18. Maths

I hope to involve my school's maths teachers in some of the micro:bit projects and I will document progress here. The link between computing and maths is something I have long been eager to develop in my school.

Here are some tasks that we hope to set the children in their maths lessons during the course of next year:

Simple calculator to add two numbers. This script can easily be adapted for subtraction, division and multiplication.

Enter a number - a simple program that can be used to enter a number to a micro:bit.

Turn of century age counter - another program based on the 'enter a number' program. In this case to calculate the user's age at the turn of the century.

Cricket umpire's over counter - this is an adaptation of the 'enter a number' program. It is for an umpire to keep a record of the number of balls bowled in an over.

Reaction game and reaction game with score - the score version is an extension of the reaction game. This is a two player game. The first person to press their button on a given signal is the winner.

Maths investigations provide an obvious context for the inclusion of computing.

Max box investigation

A classic example of a Year 6 or Year 7 investigation is to work out the maximum box volume that can be made from a square of paper of fixed size. This can be done by trial and improvement method.

The micro:bit is programmed to carry out the calculations. The program only works with integers (whole numbers). The units will be whatever units the paper has been measured in.


When shaken start counting.

When button A is pressed record the paper size

display size

Restart the count.

When button B is pressed record the height

display height

area = paper size - (height x 2) x paper size - (height x 2)

volume = box area x height

display volume

PXT Editor script: