4. Wearable tech

The LED display, portability and small size make the micro:bit a superb gadget for creating wearable tech projects.

There is an ever increasing range of 'sewable components', such as this LED sequin, that can be stitched into the children's projects.

Practical tips:

Conductive thread has higher resistance then normal wire. If the thread is too long there may not be enough current to power the components so try to keep wires short.

Project ideas:

For some ideas I suggest you might start at the Sparkfun and Kitronic websites.

Ask your pupils what they think a micro:bit built into an item of clothing could be used for. When I asked mine they came up with these:

Electronic name and information tags - e.g. at parents evenings teachers could wear a micro:bit giving their name and the subject they teach.

Security badges and electronic ticketing - e.g. when purchasing a ticket for a sporting event or music festival the micro:bit could have a security code which it communicates to security personnel.

Health information - e.g. displaying details of allergies or blood group.

Health alarms - e.g. in conjunction with a heart rate monitor warning could be given when heart rate reaches a dangerous level.

Electronic dog tag - the micro:bit could display the name of the dog, the owner's name and contact details. An added advantage at night is that the display will make the dog more visible to road users.

Safety devices - e.g. sensors could warn the wearer when certain environmental conditions are reaching a dangerous level and provide information to go with an audible warning.

Making soft toys electronic - adding a micro:bit to a soft toy play tunes and display messages as well as flashing eyes etc.

Fun - e.g. displaying greeting messages and playing topical music - such as 'merry Christmas' while playing Jungle Bells.

While it may not be possible to translate the children's ideas into practical projects the discussion will stimulate interest and convince the children that wearable tech will play an important part in people's lives in the future.