15. Bluetooth

These are early days in my experimentation with the Bluetooth capabilities of the micro:bit. Having watched a video of a smartphone controlling a Kitronic vehicle I have set myself the challenge of reproducing this project.

If you are also interested in exploiting the micro:bit's Bluetooth potential I suggest that you visit the 'bitty software' website via the link below.


The video shows an android smartphone running the game controller app from bitty software. It is being used to control a Kitronic vehicle via Bluetooth and a micro:bit. This certainly adds a wow factor to the STEM/computing curriculum.

I must confess to two problems I have repeatedly experienced.

The first has been getting my micro:bit to enter pairing mode. Some micro:bits work every time and some I can never get into pairing mode. I have no idea why this is. It is important to keep buttons A and B held down until the message PAIRING MODE appears. This can take as long as 3 seconds.

Watch the video below to learn how to pair a micro:bit with an android smartphone.


The other issue I have had is being unable to get the app, when running on my smartphone, to communicate with a micro:bit that I had previously, successfully paired with the phone. This may well be to do with my make of phone and the version of android that it is running.

Don't be put off, I am sure you will have a better experience than me, it is certainly worth giving it a go as when it works - in the words of my pupils it is 'awesome!'.

Bitty Data Logger

Having had issues with pairing my phone and micro:bits I was drawn to bitty software's Data Logger app as there is .hex file available for download for which no pairing is required (see link).


I downloaded the hex file to a micro:bit, installed the related app on my android phone, followed the instructions on the bitty software website and hey presto - it worked like a charm. No pairing was required.


I was able to produce real time charts of compass bearing, accelerometer data in any one, two or three (x, y, z) directions and the micro:bit's temperature (a bit dull as it was a steady 29 Celsius).

If it is just a graphical display of accelerometer data you require, then I recommend the Accelerometer Demo app. It charts motion in all three, x, y and z directions simultaneously, in real time. No pairing is required and for me it works brilliantly every time.

The Bitty Data Logger has the advantage of enabling you to select 1, 2 or all 3 directions of motion.

If you are using the accelerometer with your pupils, I would recommend that you show them one of these graphical representations of the data to help them to understand that the accelerometer is providing data that can be quantified and that the height of each peak on the chart is directly proportional to the motion of the micro:bit.


With Fitbits all the rage I am thinking of a project that makes use of the accelerometer. There is a science experiment I have done for years in which the children study the effect of exercise on heart rate. Having recorded their resting heart rates, they carry out two minutes vigorous exercise. Immediately they finish their exercise, they record they new heart rate and work out the increase.

The one variable we have had little control over in the past, quantifying just how vigorous was the exercise each child did during the two minutes. The micro:bit and Bitty Data Logger app give a superb graphical representation of how vigorous the exercise was.

It would be possible to quantify the exercise but for a Year 6 or 7 science experiment I probably would not take it that far - for a Physical Education GCSE project you probably would want to download the data as a .csv file for analysis on a spreadsheet.

Science Techology Enginering and Maths all delivered via the micro:bit in just two minutes.

I will update this page as I learn more.