Hot links

This page contains a collection of links that I have found helpful when learning how to use the micro:bit and in the planning of lesson and project ideas for my pupils.

Video guide to micro:bit lessons.

BBC Micro:bit Home page

I have assumed that those reading these notes are already familiar with the micro:bit. If you are not, I recommend that you follow the link below to micro:bits own website.


Spark Fun is an outstanding resource for teachers who want to learn how to use simple electronics projects in their teaching. They have produced a number of excellent videos to exemplify physical computing based on the micro:bit. Based on based on the MakeCode editor, the projects are simple, to teach and extremely engaging.


EduBlocks - Making the transition from Scratch to Python easier.

This simple tool for flipping between block coding to Python scripts is an excellent teaching resource for progression from coding using a block editor to programming using a textural language for older children - aged 10+.

N.B. Currently in development is an enhanced version of EduBlocks that will dramatically extend the range of programming blocks available - watch this space (21/3/2019).

Little Bird Electronics

Learn about analog inputs form electronic components and how to use a potentiometer and micro:bit to measure an input voltage.

With thanks to the author - Cherie Tan

See Mirobit.Python code on the right - to read and display the analoge input at pin0 when button A is pressed.

This script was composed in the new, alpha, version of the python editor

Micro Python - import errors?

When using scripts created by others I have often encountered an 'import error' message. This occurs if the module you are trying to import is not yet available from the Python script editor that you are using.

If you encounter this, for example when trying to import the radio module, then switch to for beta version of the Python editor. This has many of the latest modules that are not available elsewhere (including radio).

Making buggies

My advice is to purchase a Kitronic motor board to make a simple buggy (see the Vehicles page on this site).

It is possible to make a buggy without a Kitronic motor board by using

two IRLL2705PBF - MOSFET Transistors instead, see link below:

Build instructions including a shopping list can be found here:

Thanks go to Lorraine Underwood

bitty software

This is the site to go to if you want to make use of the Bluetooth capabilities of the micro:bit. It includes free apps, tutorials, downloads and videos. This is certainly a great way to bring the mobile phone into the curriculum. Many thanks to 'bitty software' for their excellent work. (microbits for primary schools)

The website provides a range of resources to allow primary school teachers to deliver engaging lessons using the micro:bit. Created by experienced primary school teacher and university lecturer Neil Rickus, the resources have been used with primary school pupils nationwide to introduce physical computing using this exciting new hardware platform.

gPiO website

The project ideas on this website are designed for the Raspberry Pi but they can easily be adapted for the micro:bit. In addition to schemes of work, there is plenty of practical advice for teachers.


M H Atkinson's excellent site is chock-a-block full of superb project ideas and clearly explained advice for physical computing and includes much invaluable information for micro:bit users.

Kitronik University

Welcome to the Kitronik University. We've written lots of guides on topics ranging from understanding electronic principles, practical demonstrations around soldering, e-textiles resources and much more. We've split things into three topics called Learning, Teaching and Making in order to help you quickly find the course you need. (microbits for primary schools)

The website provides a range of resources to allow primary school teachers to deliver engaging lessons using the microbit. Created by experienced primary school teacher and university lecturer Neil Rickus, the resources have been used with primary school pupils nationwide to introduce physical computing using this exciting new hardware platform.

Science Scope

Linking computing, the micro:bit and science education.

Edge connector strip

For more technical information about the micro:bit's edge connector strip.

Technical advice from the experts

I checked with Nordic (the manufacturers of the nRF51 application processor that drives the GPIO pins). They tell me that the pins will provide 0.5mA in their standard drive capability at the advertised VDD-0.3V (so from batteries the chip will maintain 3V-0.3V = 2.7V). If the circuit attached draws more current, then the voltage at the pin will de-rate gradually as you draw more current. They also tell me that no damage will be caused to the nRF51 application processor, although in this condition of over-drive the analog performance of other pins may be affected.

We had a member of our community that did some tests and sent us a graph of voltage against current as measured by putting in different load resistor values from pin P0 to GND, and this does indeed verify that more current can be provided by the pins, but at a gradually reducing pin voltage. So, if you were also using the pin voltage to drive another logic circuit (e.g. as an input to a pin on another micro:bit) at the same time as driving an LED, beyond some point the receiving micro:bit would not correctly sense the logical '1' due to the depressed pin voltage.

So, I think the upshot of this is, it's normal to fit a current limiting resistor when driving LEDs, but the manufacturers tell us that no damage will be caused to the application processor as a result of this.

Note however that on our website, we state that the maximum current you should really draw from the pins on the micro:bit when powered from USB in particular, is 90mA, which you can find on our technical info page:

Many thanks to David Whale for the above advice.

Getting started videos for teachers

Follow this excellent collection of superb instructional videos by Shawn Hymel. Excellent for teaching some simple programming constructs: - Part 1 - Getting started (code used is MicroPython). - Part 2 - Images, buttons and conditionals (the micro:bit is a great tool to introduce programming in Python to children and teachers). - Part 2 - Electronic Magic 8 Ball (Uses the accelerometer - code used is MakeCode). - Part 3 - Temperature Gauge. - Part 4 - Food thief alarm (BLE radio communication between two micro:bits).