Commonly Proposed Methods



This may be the most thought of and proposed method of them all.

2x2x3 + Square


This can be seen as Petrus without early edge orientation

F2L Minus One Cross Edge


The thought process behind the proposal of this method is that leaving out a cross edge shortens the move count and provides more freedom of movement for the first step of CFOP or CFCE and also the rest of the first two layers.

Scrambled Cross


This method is likely so often proposed because the idea is that there is a move count reduction and a lot of freedom in placing the cross edges in any order. Then the idea, or hope, is that the correction algorithms at the end maintain the same move count and ergonomics as the last layer algorithms that are used when the cross is solved normally.

FB Plus Three Cross Edges


This is another way of combining Roux and CFOP that is commonly proposed, though not nearly as often as RouxFOP. Sometimes there are variants suggested such as manipulating the LL pieces in some way during the last two pairs and or having a finish that isn't always LL. EO is also sometimes suggested to be combined with the first two steps.