When you have saturated Tephra close by, you will at that point need to quickly toss it at Zalcano alongside your other gathering members to bring down her shield. On the off chance that a blue devilish accomplice is on the floor close by, remain on it to expand the precision of your toss. You will at that point have a short open door to mine her utilizing your pickaxe, cutting down her genuine wellbeing. This cycle should be rehashed until her wellbeing is completely exhausted.

She may arbitrarily bring a golem that will crawl towards her trying to recuperate her. To forestall this, your group should harm it utilizing your instilled Tephra. Try not to be miserly since once you figure out how to get rid of the golem, it will drop a lot of Tephra, compensating for what you had expended.

For reference, her shield has 300 wellbeing and each instilled Tephra will bargain Cheap RS Gold (or 15 when on a blue image). On the off chance that you are in a composed gathering, it is proficient to pre-decide the amount Tephra every person needs to mine to speedrun the chief. In the event that you are in a public gathering, make a point to mine extra Tephra just no doubt; you don't have the foggiest idea whether somebody in the gathering will linger.

Keep your hitpoints high in light of the fact that Zalcano will toss rocks at players causing a low measure of unavoidable harm

There are a couple of ways to deal with the kind of rigging you requirement for Zalcano. Since you needn't bother with shield or weapons for this chief, the center ought to be in either saving run energy or improving mining proficiency.

The most well-known loadout is to utilize full elegant to dodge the utilization of endurance elixirs. This, in mix with a Dragon or Crystal Pickaxe, a Falador Shield or a petition book, is the most secure course to go. A phoenix jewelry might be considered for Hardcore Ironmen as is anything but a protected small scale game and it will moderate successes.

If its all the same to you chugging endurance mixtures, choose stuff that will improve your mining speed. This ought to incorporate Varrock Armor, a Mining Cape, a Crystal Pickaxe and an Elven Signet. Miner apparatus can likewise be utilized for a slight lift in mining experience.