Before I gave birth to my boys (13 years old twin), I dreaded raising a child, not because I didn’t like children but because I was scared of the hassles that comes with raising a child. The possibility of your child not turning out well was top of my list of fear. I read books and articles that I saw could help me but one thing I didn’t think through was the fact that, situations are different. Though I tried to be friends with my sons I respect their opinions and privacy, in fact I would criticize people for wanting to be too in their child’s life and business, I used to think it wouldn’t give the child room to be independent so I gave my sons space to be themselves and I respected their privacy. I would castigate my friends who were always looking for ways to check their children’s phones, being the only one with this ideology, I always looked and sounded crazy.

One day I got a call from one of my friends to show up at hers urgently. Getting there she showed me her 14 year old daughter’s chat on her laptop. The things I saw were shocking. I asked her how she got access to it and she told me she hacked her daughter’s phone, Facebook, instagram hack, twitter WhatsApp, even her imessages and call logs. My friend broke down crying, though I was able to comfort her, I was scared deep down for what I might see if I had access to my sons’ phones. I thought about it for a while then I asked my friend to refer me to a hacker that could help me get into my sons’ phones and social media accounts. She referred me to …… who helped me hack their phones Facebook, Instagram, twitter WhatsApp, even their imessages and call logs without them knowing. Now I easily monitor what my boys are doing without stress and fear. I have not found anything bad but I am always at peace that I could get heads up if something is about to go wrong. For more information, contact at;


