Assuming that you in all actuality do loan cash on Wednesday, you will confront numerous hardships and difficulties in getting it back. In like manner, on Hasta Nakshatra, Sunday, Tuesday, and, surprisingly, on Sankranti, one should not accept any credit. Assuming you have taken any advance, you should bring it back.

On the off chance that you face extreme hardships at home, on Thursday on the primary entryway, you should sprinkle Gulal and afterward light a Diya or light of Shudh Ghee on it, yet the light ought to be double dealing. At the point when the light gets stifled, you should place in running water.

You should put a dark mole on the top of the relatives, and you should rehash this stage multiple times and afterward discard it. This will assist with bringing in and set aside money.

To improve your monetary condition, you should keep a gold chess coin. You should likewise give milk to the canine. Likewise, you should keep peacock feathers in your room.

On Thursday, you should offer water to the banana tree and furthermore light Ghee Lights. Alongside that, on Saturday, you should offer jaggery, milk, and sweet water to peepal trees. You should likewise offered a light lit with mustard oil, which will assist you with killing every one of the difficulties, particularly connected with cash.

You should kept your storage on stable ground. One must never keep it on any metal. Ensure you in all actuality do keep it on wood with the goal that you truly do save it from moving. You should incline toward wood over stone.

You should kept aroma, fragrance and shower, and an incense stick in your storage. Check out astrology course online. 

In the event that any kid cries during your Puja, this will be lamentable for you. You should look for help from an accomplished intellectual or cleric to track down the explanation for this. One of the significant purposes for this could be the presence or development of negative energy in the house.

On Monday, you should visit Shiv Mandir. You should offer milk blended in with water on Shivling and furthermore with the unadulterated festoon of Rudraksha, rehash this mantra: ऊँ सोमेश्वराय नम:' One should rehash this mantra for multiple times. Upon the arrival of Purnima, you should blend milk into water and deal supplications to the moon and petition God for development, and you will before long observer the change.

On the off chance that you can't set aside cash even subsequent to making a respectable attempt, you can execute a little arrangement. On Monday, or Saturday you should crush 11 basil lentils, 2 grains of saffron in wheat. Later on, blend the flour in with entire flour. This will hopefully affect your family, and your pay will incredibly increment.