Guide to T-Shirt Printing

While the exact history of graphic t shirts printing is hazy, screen printing is definitely the oldest and most normal of the three. Experts tend to have differing suppositions, but most accept that screen printing has its roots in ancient China. From that point, the art of screen printing advanced toward European countries, where it didn't get mainstream until silk network was routinely imported from the east.

While screen printing existed the entire time, it wasn't until the Spanish-American War when the t-shirt got well known as it was given to mariners by the U.S. Naval force. Intended to be undershirts for their regalia, it wasn't long until these mariners would take off their uniform jacket when off the clock, wearing their t-shirt as their essential shirt.

From that point, the t-shirt's popularity spread to agricultural and industrial specialists, before long getting known as a universally handy work shirt when the Great Depression set in. As officers returned home and wore their t-shirts, it turned out to be significantly more famous in the states.

It wasn't until the mid 1950s when printing was at long last implemented on t-shirts as we see today. Starting in Miami, Florida, a couple of organizations started to print resort names on t-shirts as a type of promotion. The printed t-shirt's popularity spread after that, turning into a staple in the closets of hipsters, rock-n-rollers, and the "insubordinate" swarm. Printed t-shirts continued to fill in popularity, turning into a mainstream style concept and often found in Hollywood.

From that point forward, t-shirt printing has gotten probably the largest sector in the clothing industry, with just about everybody in society possessing at least one printed t-shirt out of the blue. Going into 2020, t-shirt printing is expected to trend much further.