How to Take Care of a Bengal Cat

Get your cat desexed. Desexing is normally done between 5 - a half year. In any case, a few reproducers demand the kitten being fixed before they are homed (at 12 weeks), to stay away from their kittens being utilized for rearing stock.

Get your cat dewormed. Worming ought to be done at 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks old enough with an oral item, like Panacur. Great items, like Stronghold (UK) or Revolution (US), keep going for multi month, so they ought to be applied month to month from about a month and a half old enough. Check Bengal cat for sale.

Comprehend the one of a kind medical problems Bengals can have.[3] The variety is at more serious danger than others of Feline Infectious Peritonitis. This viral infection is destined to spread in foundations where in excess of five cats live and who utilize shared litter plate. Tragically, this implies rearing foundations can be expected favorable places for the Corona infection which transforms and causes clinical FIP.

There is no protection therapy for FIP, and in the event that you purchase a kitten that is hatching the contamination, in spite of the fact that taking care of a decent eating regimen will for the most part fortify his resistant framework, it won't prevent him from getting debilitated with FIP eventually. Subsequently, aversion is your most ideal choice.

In the event that you as of now have cats and take on a kitten from a reproducer with a background marked by FIP, then, at that point ensure the cats don't share litter plate. The Coronavirus, which is answerable for FIP, is spread through excrement, so the nearer different cats contact with crap, the more prominent the danger of them gaining contamination.

FIP typically influences cats younger than 12-year and a half, and causes fever, loss of hunger, and leakage of liquid out of the dissemination where it collects as liquid on the stomach. There is as of now no solution for this terrible condition.

Prior to getting the kitten, inquire as to whether they have any set of experiences of FIP inside their reproducing stock. On the off chance that they are straightforward, and disclose to you they have had issues with FIP or reports of homed kittens experiencing the condition, then, at that point unfortunately you should leave and source a Bengal kitten from an alternate reproducer.