It is feasible to get more cloud even without changing your vaping gadget. Assuming it has a flexible wind current, you can open it further, which will mean you get a greater cloud when you breathe in.

Additionally, utilizing more VG in your e-fluid will make more cloud as it is the VG which creates a large portion of the fume.

In the event that you need a great deal of cloud, attempt a 70VG/30PG e-fluid - it's a mainstream proportion for cloud chasers.

More flavor

This can be helped at times without changing your vaping gadget.

Some e-fluid is more flavorsome than others and, in the event that you are blending your own vape juice, you may have to utilize the flavor amasses at a higher rate, steep it for more or utilize an alternate brand or flavor profile.

See our full scope of flavor focuses here.

On the off chance that you need to get some answers concerning soaking your e-fluid for flavor, at that point look at the part on Steeping.

In case you're not getting sufficient flavor from your VEIIK vape, it may likewise be on the grounds that you have 'vaper's tongue' which is the point at which you quit tasting your vape juice.

In the event that this happens, change flavors to offer your taste buds a reprieve and guarantee you drink a lot of water (as this is exacerbated by drying out).

In the event that you need to find out about this, go to the part of the Troubleshooting section about Vaper's tongue.

The PG/VG proportion of your e-fluid can likewise have an impact in getting the most flavor from your e-cigarette.

PG conveys flavor significantly more proficiently than VG, so a low grouping of PG will mean less flavor.

On the off chance that none of these are the reason, it is for sure your vaping gadget.

All the more impressive gadgets with better atomisers make better flavor, so a tank system will get you the flavor you hunger for.

More battery life

Greater batteries watch out for last more.

While pod and pen systems can fluctuate, the most solid battery life comes from tank systems.

In case you're utilizing family batteries in your tank system, we suggest utilizing great quality ones.

On the off chance that they're battery-powered ones, they will hold their charge and won't wear out as fast as low quality ones.

It's likewise simple to convey spare batteries with you as they don't occupy a lot of space, so you can change the battery in your tank system rapidly and effectively without agonizing over discovering some place to charge it - this is especially helpful in case you're making the rounds yet not exactly as significant in case you will be at a work area or in the house where you'll have the option to charge your vaping gadgets without any problem.

When you have a thought of what sort of gadget you need, the following stage is to work out what sort of e-fluid you need.

Clearly the two must be viable.

To discover which e-fluids you need to vape, and which gadgets they can be utilized with, read on for 'Picking e-fluid viable with your gadget'.