Data Analyst | Salesforce Administrator

" I drive business success with recommendations based on data findings "

About Me

Hi, I'm Henry, a seasoned data analyst with over 8 years of experience in the power sector and education management. My passion lies in transforming raw data into meaningful insights that drive impactful decisions.

From a young age, I've been drawn to solving math problems. Numbers, puzzles, and problem-solving have always fascinated me. When I look at data sets, I see one big puzzle waiting to be solved. After all, strong businesses thrive on their ability to tackle significant challenges, and data plays a crucial role in this endeavor. 

My journey so far has been diverse, as I've worked in various analytical job roles, honing my skills and developing a keen ability to communicate effectively with both internal teams and external stakeholders. I pride myself on translating complex data findings into practical business solutions. 

I specialize in data visualization, statistical analysis, salesforce administration and database management. My proficiency in tools like Excel/Google Sheets, SQL, Python, Stata, Power BI, and Tableau enables me to transform complex data into strategic initiatives, optimizing data assets and streamlining operations effectively.

I hold an MBA from the University of South Wales and have earned certifications as a Google Certified Data Analyst and an Udacity Certified Data Analyst. Additionally, I am a Salesforce Certified Administrator and have a solid understanding of software development tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Feel free to reach out via e-mail, and together, we'll create success stories fueled by data-driven insights. 📧📈

About Portfolio

As a data analyst, I identify business needs and develop valuable solutions via excellent data interpretation methods, to improve the accuracy and process optimization of businesses. 

This portfolio showcases my data analysis projects which demonstrates my skills and proficiency in SQL, Microsoft Excel, google spreadsheet, R, python, Tableau, Power BI, report writing, documentation, data storytelling and research.  It also includes research projects, reports and papers undertaken during my MBA program at the University of South Wales. 

Data Analysis Projects

This is a case study project of a fictional bikeshare company carried out using R and Microsoft Excel. 

Skills Utilized: Microsoft Excel, R  (ggplot2, tidyverse, lubridate, readr), Data Cleaning, Data Wrangling, descriptive statistics, exploratory data analysis, visualization, presentation, report writing, data storytelling.

This is a data analysis project aimed at investigating a dataset of medical appointment records for Brazil public hospitals. 

Skills Utilized: Excellent utilization of python libraries such as pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, datetime. etc. Processes utilized includes data cleaning, data wrangling, visualization, exploratory data analysis, descriptive analysis, data storytelling.

This project demonstrates the student's ability to gather data from multiple sources such as via URL using python's request library, twitter API using the tweepy library, and manually as in a csv file. The data is then cleaned, wrangled, stored, analyzed and used to gain insights using appropriate  visualizations.

Skills Utilized: data gathering, data scraping, python (json, API, beautiful soup, tweepy, request, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, datetime), data storytelling, data analyzing, data storage, data wrangling, data cleaning, data visualization, report writing. 

A data analysis project that entails using the data from a fictional loan company known as Prosper to perform exploratory data analysis using univariate, bivariate and multivariate visualizations to produce insights that answers questions asked from the data.

Skills Utilized: data gathering, python (pandas, numpy, matplotlib, seaborn, nbconvert), data storytelling, data analysis, data wrangling, data cleaning, data visualization, report writing, documentation, slide deck presentation

An analysis of an online retail store data containing 541,909 rows and 9 variables for the period of Dec. 2010 – Dec. 2011. A detailed data analysis was carried out on the dataset by defining the business objective , posing the right questions to be answered, data cleaning/manipulation, visualization , garnering key insights and providing recommendation to the CEO & CMO of the business.

Skills Utilized: Power BI, Power Query, data storytelling, data manipulation, data cleaning, data visualization, report writing/documentation, power-point presentation.

A portfolio project involving a detailed analysis of 37,997 high school/college student records to showcase key insights through the aid of effective visualizations aimed at evaluating the factors affecting student's academic performance in high school and colleges in the USA.

Skills Utilized: SQL Aggregation, SQL Joins, SQLite, Google spreadsheet, pivot tables, data storytelling, data manipulation, data visualization, report writing/documentation.

An analysis and visualization of play store data scraped from google play store apps for the period of 2010 - 2018 . This project aims at cleaning the dataset, analyzing the given dataset, and mining informational quality insights. This project also involves visualizing the data to better and easily understand trends and different categories.

Skills Utilized: SQL, MySQL, SQL Aggregation, Python, Power BI,  Microsoft Excel, data pre-processing, data cleaning, data wrangling, data visualization, report writing/documentation.

Tableau/PowerBI Dashboards




Entry level Data Analyst 3 cert.pdf