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White genocide (isn't real lol)

Imagine being so fragile that you think more black people being on TV, brown people immigrating to the United States, the existence of Robin DiAngelo, and white people being criticized and receiving backlash for saying stupid, offensive, bigoted, or downright racist things means there’s a war on the white race that will result in genocide. Congrats, you now have an idea of what it’s like to be one of the idiots who believes in the white genocide/white replacement theory.

minorities in the media

Some of the stupidest shit you may ever hear in your life is someone essentially saying minorities being in media like movies, TV shows, or even advertisements, is somehow proof of white genocide. This is very dumb, entitled, and borderline racist. Essentially what is happening is that corporate America finally sees the value in attracting business from minority groups, and since they want to make more money they are including more kinds of people in their target audience. These companies do not necessarily include gay people in their commercials, diverse characters in their TV shows, or themes about "social justice" in their movies because they're "woke," they're doing so in the hopes that members of these minority groups will give them money. It makes sense - if your goal is to get as many people as you can to go see your movie, watch your show, or buy your product you'll want to cast a pretty wide net and pander to all kinds of people. 

But some extremely fragile white people just can't handle the fact that these companies view and treat potential business from them and potential business from a black person as equally valuable. Racism has really fucked these people's brains up to the point that they feel that even as consumers of products they need to be treated better than people from minority groups. They're basically screaming and crying that some company doesn't want their money more than a black person's money. Absurd and pathetic. Anyways, below I'll be going into a bit more detail on both 

Movies and TV

Media production companies also want money from minority groups consuming their movies and TV shows, so it would make sense that media exists that caters to minority groups or is made with them in mind. There is no anti-white agenda here - these companies just want the ticket sales, streaming subscriptions, ad revenue, and so on from minority groups that watch their product as well so because this makes them more money. And to best get that money from minority groups is to make media with them in mind and include them in the target audience for marketing a new show or movie.

Furthermore, the amount of minority groups in film and TV is roughly consistent with America's demographics. Using this report from UCLA, we can see that between 2011-2019 the percent of white film leads decreased and the share of minority (people of color) film leads increased, similar to how the demographics of each group changed in the US over that time. In fact in some years the number of white leads in the early 2010s were several percentage points higher than the actual white population in America at that time. For example, in the 2010 US Census white people made up 76.3% of the population but in 2011 they accounted for 89% of leading film roles (seen below in Figure 1). So if anything, white people have been OVERREPRESENTED in the media and this change over the last few years is balancing things out so that representation in media is more in line with America's demographics. 

Obviously, as minority groups have become a higher percentage of the US population they have become more represented in media. This is hardly proof of a secret plot to erase white people, it is just a symptom of changing demographics. For some, this fear and the unknown of what a not predominately white America could look like may push them to become racist or think there's a plot to replace them. For the majority of this country's history, white people in America have never known what it's like to be a minority, so the projections of America becoming less white because of immigration make them fearful because they've never known what it's like to be a minority, They've perhaps never even considered it because they've become so accustomed to their position in the majority that they just accept it as fact. And to them that change and the unknown it will bring is scary and they have to make sense of it somehow so they start believing in racist, Nazi-esque ideology that says there's some sinister plot against them. These white people have become so used to being in the majority that their fear of change - potentially being a minority - leads them to become extremists. But I suppose if you put importance on whites being the majority in America, or believe that whites have to be the majority in America, then maybe you were already a little racist to begin with. 

I think this is one of the main reasons, other than stupidity and low cognitive ability, that people become "radicalized" and adopt racist beliefs today. They have accomplished so little in life, are so depressed, and have so little yet they need to feel special and how do you do this when you have so little in terms of accomplishment and motivation? Claim that the one thing you achieved without having to put in any effort and the one thing people can't take away from you makes you superior to everyone else. Then boom - you're special without having to put in any work or achieving anything yourself and can claim some responsibility for the great deeds others in the past did because they had the same skin color as you.


Commercials on TV (or streaming services) have a very wide target audience because pretty much everyone watches TV or has a subscription to a streaming service and the products advertised are usually everyday products or essentials (food, clothing, insurance, cars, et cetera). So, it would make sense for the advertisers to cast a wide net since everyone regardless of age, race, gender, and so on will need or want them. Thus, it makes sense for minority groups to be included in these ads and generally be part of the target audience because companies want their business. But this idea that companies value the money minorities may spend on their product just as much as white people spend on their product is so just triggering for some white people that they believe it to be evidence of some grand scheme to eliminate whites from the planet. 

This considered, it seems like the people who take issue with minorities being in media and see it as proof of a war against whites that will lead to white genocide are merely racists who hate that minorities are being treated equally to white people in any facet of society. 

PLAGIARIZING from hitler

Many of the folks who prescribe to the white genocide myth will blame a "them" - Democrats, liberals, cultural Marxists, and all of the other terms conservatives use interchangeably -  as responsible for trying to flood America or Europe with immigrants (brown people) to defile the "hated" white race or end the "hated" white race altogether. This is essentially the same thing Hitler says in Mein Kampf, only he blames the Jews for immigration. Specifically, he states "It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master." Just replace "Jews" with "cultural Marxist liberals" and "the Rhineland" with America and you've got the same argument today's white genocide believers are making! 

It's unclear whether these people are all actual Nazis and disguise their Nazi beliefs by replacing Jews with modern leftists or if they are just very stupid and scared because they've only know a white majority in America and Europe. I think it's a mixed bag of hatred, fear and stupidity, just like the rest of the modern conservative movement is. 

are straight white men under attack?

Are straight white men under attack? In a way, yes. If you believe that straight white men are the most important group in the world and superior to every other kind of human then yes, their position as such is being attacked by the prevailing idea that straight white women, queer white men, queer white women, straight black men, straight black women, queer black men and women, straight Latino men, straight Latino women, and so on are all equal to them and should be treated as such by the government and society at large. For some straight white men this is a triggering idea because they may have so little in their life that all they have left is their identity or because they need some way to feel special and better than everyone else without actually accomplishing anything so they adopt the idea that their mere existence as who they are - a straight, white man - makes them better than everyone else.

Figure 1