
Feminism can seem like a very convoluted concept, but it's really just the idea that men and women should be treated equally to men in all aspects of society, have the same rights, and receive the same opportunities. That's pretty easy to get behind. While I do agree with this in principle - and believe that discrimination and stereotyping on the basis of sex and/or gender is stupid and reductive - I don't agree with it in practice. 

Right now, the equality of the sexes would just mean that women would participate in capitalism in the same way that men do. This seems to be the aim of modern feminism, at least feminism that does not take into account class struggle. I think we can aim to do much better for women, men, and everybody else. 

This should not be taken as a critique of feminism itself, but I do want to mention how feminist messaging can so often be co-opted by disingenuous grifters and bigots who have no regard for the welfare of liberation of women and are using the guise of feminism to try and dupe people into supporting something else. You mainly see this with TERFs who use feminism as a way to promote their transphobia as something that is pro-women and for the protection and safety of women.

ant-feminist tradwife stuff can be anti-men

To first clarify what I mean by the title of this section, I don't believe that the women who want to be or are tradwives actually dislike men. After all, they're choosing to be submissive to their husbands rather than being treated as an equal in the relationship. Instead, my argument is that in practice being a tradwife and some of the common reasons why women seek out this lifestyle and encourage others to do so can be seen as anti-man.

One of the most common arguments I've seen women make in favor of being a traditional housewife is that feminism is bad. They reason they provide for feminism being bad is that in pursuit of social, political, and economic equality, women like them had to start their own careers and work 40+ hours a week to afford to live, and that sucks. They dislike feeling exploited and having to work all day at a job they hate submitting to a boss that doesn't appreciate them, feeling that this is unfulfilling and grueling. Essentially they are explaining the problems caused by capitalism but blaming it on feminism. What is weird about this logic is that they are acknowledging the poor treatment and conditions that most people have to face in order to just earn a living, and instead of advocating for these things to change for the better, they are fine with the way things are but want men to have to face these things so they don't have to and can have an "easier" life. I guess they are ok with men having to experience the stressful, arduous, and demanding nature of the world if it means they don't have to. This is obviously stupid and selfish, but I also have to ask is it not anti-man if you recognize that the world men face is flawed and bad, but instead of wanting it to change you want men to continue to have to deal with that so you specifically don't have to?

For some more about that confusion between capitalism and feminism and the absurdity of this, I recommend that you watch this video (WBM link) and this video (WBM link), both of which are clips taken from Hasan Piker's stream.