“It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!”

Hello and welcome! On this website, you will find a leftist perspective on a variety of topics related to politics and social issues. 

It started as my way of organizing my thoughts and what informs my views so they were not bouncing around in my head all the time - hence the Friedrich Nietzsche quote above. While initially a personal project, I hope you will find it valuable and informative.

come back later to read this part ha  ha sorry

Additionally, I try not to align myself with any ideology or make an "identity" out of my current beliefs because I always want to be open to revising them. You shouldn't make yourself vulnerable to having an identity crisis when you're shown you may be wrong, and unfortunately, a lot of people have these identity crises in America when it comes to politics, especially on the right. 

Republicans and Democrats Are Both Varying Degrees of Bad

Republicans are responsible for and contribute to many of the problems in America. Democrats can at least acknowledge that many of these problems exist and will sometimes try and address them, but more often than not they will only make changes that treat a symptom of a problem rather than the cause or make a change that's merely a symbolic gesture that is ultimately meaningless and doesn't really help anyone. Furthermore, Republicans and Democrats are both pretty big believers in capitalism and neoliberalism. 

I think this two-party system can be described very accurately in the following statement: "Republicans make the country worse, Democrats use it to tell you to support them despite them not actually willing to do anything about it." 

Here are a few other ways to think about the minor differences between the two parties: 

Keep the Church and the State Far Away From Each Other

I am a big fan of the separation of church and state for several reasons. Firstly because religious freedom is largely what drew many people to the new world that would eventually become America and America should remain a place where people can come and practice freely. Secondly, making laws respecting an established religion or laws based on religious texts and teachings is essentially legalizing a "correct" opinion/belief or set of values and criminalizing the "wrong" ones. No one should be using religious doctrine in their argument as to why the government should or shouldn't do something. Thirdly, religious texts are often extremely inconsistent. There were a variety of people who contributed to a text, a variety of people who translated the text and added their own interpretation, and the text is just old. Governments should not be based on stuff written thousands of years ago that hardly applies to the modern age and often contradicts itself. For the most part, a government should not be forcing people to conform to its convictions, a government should be adapting to the changing needs, wants, attitudes, and habits of its people and basing its convictions on these things, within reason. 

Politicians Rarely Work For You

I also dislike lobbying and lobbyists. Lobbying is essentially bribery with extra steps and it's absurd that politicians can be bought off to represent special interests rather than the people who elected them who they're supposed to represent. This makes it very easy for politicians to become corrupt and gives private interest groups and the wealthy "elite" power to essentially run the government and pay for the legislation they want which benefits them. Private interests, corporations, and the 1% should not be running the country. 


I think workers should own their workplace and that labor is entitled to all it creates. I think that if you can accept the fruits of someone's labor, you can accept their humanity. Also, If a person is willing to abandon the life they had in another country and come here on foot and work literally any available job they can get, they shouldn't be treated as a criminal.  

more stuff to explore

Resources Too Extensive for Me to Effectively Summarize

Source Library

Information Compilation

How Discrimination Creates White Privilege 

White Privilege Debate

Resources against BLM skepticism

Research Document To End All Research Documents 

Ultimate #1state funded socialist doc

The 1 Janitor Sources

Institutional Racism: A Comprehensive Document

Systemic Racism in the US

Homosexuality in Philosophy

Trans Rights Fact Sheet

LGBTQ+ Sources

A Practical List for Identifying Fascists 

A few more niche ones

YouTube Channels to Check Out

General Lefist/Progressive Content

Sex and Gender Topics

Religious Skepticism Content

Black Perspective


Media/Culture Analysis



YouTube Videos to Watch 

James O'Keefe and Project Veritas: 10 Years of Truth 4-part video series (playlist)

The Alt-Right Playbook (playlist)

Why the Way We Vote Is Terrible (video)

Tracing the Roots of Pop Culture Transphobia (video)

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a powerful message for those who have gone down a path of hate. (video)

How to Be Correct About Everything All the Time (video)

Bill Burr - why psychos run the world (video)

Other Stuff I Still Need to Check Out (And You Can Too!)

Mass Incarceration and Prison Proliferation in the United States

Education is progressive, schools are conservative

There is no liberal media bias in which news stories political journalists choose to cover

Has Socialism Failed? An Analysis of Health Indicators under Socialism

Do More Police Lead to More Crime Deterrence?

Hot Spot Policing With Actively Monitored CCTV Cameras: Does it Reduce Assaults in Public Places?

Group Threat and Racial Disparity in Police-Caused Killings

What is the gender pay gap and is it real?

The Mythical Taboo of Race and Intelligence

How Economic Crises and Sudden Disasters Increase Racial Disparities in Homeownership