
public school funding

Federal Funding for Public Education

The funding of public elementary, middle, and high schools in America always seems to be under attack, however, research and data show that federally, education is being funded pretty consistently. The federal government supplies about 8% of funds for public schools every year and state and local sources supply the rest. You can check out research and data from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the Congressional Budget Office, the Economic Policy Institute,, and Public School Review for a little more information on this. All corroborate this 8% figure, as does pretty much any other source you'll find that examines federal funding for public school. 

Despite this, America is still below international standards - starting in 2015, UNESCO members "agreed on a level of educational funding of 4 to 6% of GDP or 15 to 20% of public expenditure," according to their website. According to U.S. Public Education Spending Statistics from the Education Data Initiative, America only puts 11.6% of public expenditure towards education.  

State and Local Funding for Public Education

As previously stated, the federal government only supplies about 8% of the funds for public schools and state and local sources supply the rest. So, let's look and see which states spend the most on education per pupil and which states spend the least, again using data again from the Education Data Initiative.

States that spend the most on K-12 education per pupil

States that spend the least on K-12 education per pupil 

There is a very interesting and unsurprising trend that emerges when looking at this data. Of the 10 states that spend the most per pupil on public K-12 education, nine were won by the Democratic candidate in the 2016 and 2020 elections. Of the 10 states that spend the least, eight were won by the Republican candidate in the 2016 and 2020 elections, with one state - Arizona - being won by the Republican in 2016 and the Democrat in 2020. This is displayed below in Figure 1. Again, this is unsurprising - the less educated of a population you have, the more useful idiots you have to manipulate against black people, brown people, gay people, trans people, and so on. A capitalist society like America that conservatives and Republicans won't shut up about their patriotism for wants a nation of uneducated workers, not educated thinkers. Uneducated workers are easier to oppress and exploit, as they're too stupid to realize they're being exploited and oppressed and largely too stupid to organize against these things. 

Why Defund Public Education?

As far as I see it, there are four main reasons why local, state, and/or federal governments would try and defund public education:

education and the labor market

student loans and the cost of college

image break

is college really liberal indoctrination?

people learn more about the world and it is harder to hold conservative views if you know more about stuff

you meet people from lots of different backgrounds who have different experiences and perspectives for you to learn about rather than being told what to think about them by the tv manyou can understand and empathize with them and actually see them as people

educatoin or learning in general is just the opposite of conservatism - conservatives avoid information, ideas, and things to preserve their beliefes whereas education encourages people to seek out information ideas and things and to base their beliefs off of these things

Figure 1