I will not make any reference here to being pro-gun or anti-gun because the rhetoric surrounding each is so cloudy that if I were to make reference to one or the other I would not know what exactly I'd be referring to or how readers would interpret it so I'll just give a short explanation on my thoughts on the issue.

It's an indisputable fact that America has a gun problem, and while the gun problem is likely a symptom of other problems like mental illness, substance abuse, and more it's still a problem that needs to be addressed since it is so prominent. How do we address it? I would love for everyone to have whatever gun they wanted and enjoy a massive gun collection, however cringe that may be, but we don't live in a perfect world where everybody can be trusted not to murder others en masse. And we don't legislate as if we live in a perfect world, we legislate to get to that perfect world. So...

  • I think any gun classified as a military weapon or made for the military/intended for use in war should be illegal for private citizens to own.

  • I think there should be a higher tax on bullets and/or guns. I think there should be more comprehensive background checks.

  • I think, for one to get a registered firearm, they should have to take a class much like one would take a driving class before getting their driver's license to be legally allowed to drive.

A lot of my views on guns and gun control are reflected in this quote from former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger. As you can read more about here, Burger believed that guns should be regulated just like cars are and that these regulations wouldn't infringe upon the rights promised by the 2nd Amendment. Burger also noted the time at which the 2nd Amendment was drafted, a time when people were apprehensive about the new national government presented to them. A lot has changed since then those state militias have been replaced by a massive military complex that receives well over $600 billion dollars a year. It's actually in the state's interest to regulate guns

what gun control and abortion have in common

Although there are significantly fewer people calling for all guns to be illegal to own - in fact, I don't think there is anyone making that argument and that's not what the concept of gun control refers to - than there are people who all abortions to be made illegal, the two issues are kind fo similar. By this I mean they both should be legal in America but regulated.

Similar arguments could be made that making all abortions illegal will only stop safe abortions in the same way that banning all guns will only stop people without bad intentions from getting a gun. While there is some additional nuance to this line of reasoning (wealthy and powerful people would still be able to get abortions or guns regardless of the legality), it's true for the most part. A better way to make that argument is to say that simply making something illegal doesn't stop it - murder has been illegal but murders still happen every day. So, rather than just banning these things outright, giving oneself a pat on the back, and calling it a day (like many of those in the so-called pro-life crowd seem to do considering they don't support things that would actually decrease abortions and stop caring about a life once it has been born) time, energy, and effort should instead be spent reducing the things that make abortion and guns an issue in the first place.

Both abortion and gun violence can be reduced in different, better ways than just making either illegal.

  • Abortions can be reduced by providing comprehensive sex education or just offering better sex education courses in general, making contraceptives free and/or more accessible, or eliminating many of the economic strains that make those in poor and underserved communities get an abortion because they don't have the time or money to raise a child and give it a good life.

  • Gun violence can be reduced by better treating mental health issues, making background checks more extensive, and better-educating people on gun safety much like a person getting their driver's license must go through an exam and learn how to be a good driver, common road hazards, etc...

While just banning abortion or guns outright is a bad idea, there should be bans in specific cases, like banning abortion after a certain time for reasons not related to the health of the mother or banning guns created specifically for combat or guns that can fire a certain number of bullets per second.

While comparing these two issues is not necessarily comparing apples to apples, it is interesting to note that a certain group of people say the sanctity of life (a fertilized egg/embryo) outweighs the individual rights of the mother (her right to bodily autonomy) when it comes to abortion but individuals rights outweigh the sanctity of life (kids killed in school shootings, other people killed in mass shootings, and really any victims of gun violence) when it comes to gun control.