We should have never let the term "cancel culture" get any traction.

One of my observations I've made after a year or so of observing the online right.

For example: "the liberals want to send us to re-education camps!" "Joe Biden is a communist" "Liberals want to force everyone to be transgender."

It was white people who popularized the term "colored" to refer to those they wished to differentiate themselves from, those who they felt were inferior, those they discriminated and disenfranchised (i.e. Jim Crow laws and segregated stuff - one for whites only and another for colored) but now when these "people of color" are getting special consideration white people want in on the term.

Replace "communism" with anything else like climate change, Critical Race Theory, socialism, etc...

The "Not like that! You must conform to our beliefs in order to be a free-thinker!" line is a particularly useful satirical one to use when dealing with idiots who accuse people of being sheep or use phrases like "open your eyes" or "stop getting everything from [specific news outlet]." You know, those people.

Interesting take and I like this character.

That moment when you accidentally acknowledge that a Nazi and a trump supporter are the same thing.

Incredible self own and also some self promotion.

Trump supporter outs himself as a fascist.

An interesting take here.

This passage from the Federalist Papers - Federalist No 57 - contradicts what some idiots have to say about voting and how only select few "most equipped" to fulfil the "responsibility" of voting can vote.

This is taken from a speech given by Truman in 1952, which can be viewed here and listened to here.

This pretty much applies to the "I didn't leave the left the left left me" people as well.

What it can be like dealing with certain idiots on the Internet summed up in a comic.

A comic you can reference for any of the "Trump is living rent free in the minds of liberals" or TDS comments you may see online.

Interesting perspective on white pride.

Just a fun meme I like here.

While this is a large generalization, it certainly applies to many Conservatives or MAGA idiots. Essentially the people who think free speech means they can say whatever they want and the 1st Amendment also protects them from criticism or forms of repercussions and consequences.

Both of these people are very similar: "My religion should be the sole basis of our government and if you disagree you are wrong and I will respond with violence justified by said religion."

Some things to keep in mind regarding Twitter's ban of Trump and "Big Tech Censorship" in general. There are plenty of reasons to criticize "Big Tech," but having community guidelines and terms of services against hate speech and incitingviolence is not one of them.

This solution was in front of us the whole time. really.

This is a fun reference to the time Candace Owens said what the Nazis were doing was ok as long as they kept it within their borders.

One of my proudest takes *warm smiling emoji*

An interesting take on immigration and America.

An interesting take on the MAGA/QAnon conspiracy world.

Liberty Hangout contradicts themselves.

Liberty Hangout argues that we need a Trump dictatorship to create order so we can have liberty. They think we need a dictatorship to have liberty.

Liberty Hangout crowns Trump a king, apparently forgetting one of the reasons the colonies rebelled against Britain and King George III in the first place and forgetting the US is not a monarchy.

Liberty Hangout doesn't like democracy, prefers to have a king in a monarchy and not have elected officials.