this section is not done so go away and come back when it is

Modern conservatism

To me, the modern MAGA conservatism movement can trace its roots back to the Regan presidency where he motivated masses of Evangelicals (WBM link)to become interested in politics and side with Republicans. The Cold War also came to a close during this time, with much of US foreign policy focused on eradicating communism/socialism/Marxism while communists/socialists/Marxists were depicted as evil, godless, sexless, horrible people that are trying to infiltrate and corrupt every system of government and organization. 

Of course, it's more than just religious fanatics and Christian nationalists that make up today's conservative voter base. There are all sorts of weird conspiracy theory nuts, self-described "patriots," legitimate bigots and fascists, capitalists, extremists, reactionaries, and a variety of others who are conservative and hate anything and everything about "the left." Due to this large cast of characters, it can be very difficult to describe the conservative base in a way that applies to them all. I do think, however, believe that it is reasonable to say that most conservatives have very little to no interest in activities involving thinking and display a very low need for cognition (NFC). 

This manifests itself in many different ways, but three are prominent and important enough to be identified here:

Most, if not all, conservatives can also be characterized by stupidity, ignorance, and fear. They are too stupid to understand things well, too ignorant to consider anything else, and too afraid of what they don't understand.

Much of what I have mentioned above makes your average conservative very susceptible to manipulation by actual bigots and fascists who are trying to disguise their views and make them seem more socially acceptable, grifters who are just after money, influence, power, followers, subscribers, viewers, ratings, and so on, and capitalists trying to distract and divide the working class to get them fighting a culture war rather than a class war. Conservatives pretty much let these people do the majority of their thinking and digesting of information for them, allowing themselves to be spoon-fed and just nodding along the whole time. In this sense, a lot of conservatives are just "useful idiots." By consistently regurgitating the disingenuous rhetoric fed to them by actual bigots and fascists, grifters, and capitalists, conservatives never really process any new information, learn, or grow as people. Instead, they remain in this weird intellectually and mentally stagnant state where they have to find ways to disregard or avoid many ideas, beliefs, experiences, perspectives, data, observations, and other kinds of information in an effort to preserve their beliefs. 


The Chicken or the Egg

There is this weird chicken or the egg situation with conservatives where you can't really tell if they're actually dumb or if they're just playing dumb. In other words, are they genuinely stupid and uneducated or just ignorant and refusing to be educated? Here's another way to think about it: stupidity is considering something in a very flawed way while ignorance is refusing to consider it in any other way. I'll be going into more detail about both stupidity and ignorance below, but wanted to clarify the distinction between the two and identify how frustrating that chicken or the egg "dumb or playing dumb" thing is.

Acting Like Children

From my perspective, a lot of conservative behavior is very similar to how a child acts. 

Stupidity, Ignorance, and Fear

Stupidity, ignorance, and fear are the three main qualities that I would use to describe modern conservatives. While the most obvious result of this combination of qualities is a lack of critical thinking skills or "higher-level" thinking, I would argue that they also result in a general lack of critical self-awareness. Also called critical self-reflection, critical self-awareness is essentially becoming aware of our presuppositions and challenging our established patterns of thinking. 

It can be argued that apathy should be included alongside these three qualities but I think it just misses the cut because, as I discuss below under the "Apathy" section, it's very similar to ignorance if not a direct result of it. Bigotry is another quality one could argue, but I think bigotry results from stupidity, ignorance, and fear rather than being an individual quality in itself. 

Combined, these three qualities make conservatives very easily influenced by those who seek to gain money, power, and notoriety by manipulating them and telling them what they want to hear. They are also easy targets for actual bigots who have to disguise their hate to make it seem more socially acceptable. 

Other Influences 

Conservative beliefs and values also benefit from the fact that some casual observers of political and social issues will just assume that the left and the right both make arguments that are just as reasoned, rational, and cogent with just as much evidence behind them. However, this isn't the case, as this website makes very clear. Rather than it being something like an Xbox vs Playstation or Ford vs Chevy thing where each has its own pros and cons, the modern political divide is more like a choice between dirt between two pieces of bread and straight dirt, with Democrats being the dirt and bread. The most stupidly American thing you can do is notice that Democrats can fail to meet the needs of the people and (wrongly) assume Republicans are the people to put your faith in because they seem like the only other option. 

I also think a lot of younger people also find a home in the right alongside modern conservative "Trumpers" because when you don't have a lot of world experience, education, perspective, or critical thinking skills then the right can feel like a safe space from those looking to instigate social change and the people on the left who could be rudely critical of them for being stupid online. It can also feel like a safe space because of how much stupid shit and conspiracy theories there are already floating around there so there's a good chance that stupid stuff will be accepted or unchallenged rather than called out or criticized. These young people then just never grow out of their edgy phase and exist in a mentally and intellectually stagnated state where they never learn or grow as people. 

stupidity, for lack of a better word

Study from the Social Psychological and Personality Science Journal - "Attitudes Toward Presidential Candidates in the 2012 and 2016 American Elections: Cognitive Ability and Support for Trump"

Study/Article from the New Political Science Journal - "The Cognitive and Emotional Sources of Trump Support: The Case of Low-Information Voters"

Study from the American Politics Research Journal - "The Dynamics and Political Implications of Anti-Intellectualism in the United States"

Research from Cambridge University - "The cognitive and perceptual correlates of ideological attitudes: a data-driven approach"

Research from the Psychological Science Journal - "Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact"

One of the most obviously ways in which conservatives display this low cognitive ability is through their reliance on name calling as criticism. All too often you'll see conservatives attempt to "criticize" an ideology by calling it "woke" or a product of "wokeism" or criticize a person by calling them a "social justice warrior" or "woke." The "criticism" ends there - they don't engage with the ideology or arguments presented, nor do they bring up any facts, data, or logic to show why the ideology or person is wrong/bad. It simply is wrong/bad because it's "woke" or the person is a "social justice warrior." Imagine you make a claim like "Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time" and you get two responses from people that disagree: one person just says "that's stupid" while the other responds by saying "I disagree. Brady benefitted from having one of the greatest coaches ever, a consistently great defense, and had some pretty lucky calls in his career. Peyton Manning has more MVPS, some of the greatest statistical seasons by a quarterback in NFL history, and almost always had a subpar defense but still managed to make it to four Super Bowls with four different head coaches." The second is obviously more convincing while the first person can't even articulate why they disagree and may not even know why they disagree past a knee jerk reaction. The only people the first response would be convincing to would be those that already have some bias against Tom Brady or already think Brady is not the best QB of all time. It's just preaching to the choired. Name calling - saying something is "woke" or stupid - is what someone does when they disagree with something but have little to no facts or logic to disprove it. Conservatives may also resort to this because name calling is an appeal to emotion - ethos - rather than an appeal to facts and logic - logos - and it's been established that some Trump voters were swayed more by appeals to emotion than logic. This leads me to believe that conservatives are just making words/insults up to hide the fact that they have little to no facts or logic to support their beliefs or refute leftist beliefs. It is worth mentioning that leftists can engage in this too, calling things they disagree with racist, homophobic, or transphobic but there is a difference: terms like racist, homophobic, and transphobic have been in the vernacular for a while and all have specific and firm definitions while terms like "woke," "wokeism," or "social justice warrior" are all words that have been made up in the past five or six years with vague definitions. 

A mixed bag of ignorance

To me, ignorance can be defined as choosing to be stupid. There are a variety of things that can lead a conservative to be ignorant of things like moments in history, anything that supports a leftist belief or worldview, leftist arguments, leftist beliefs, reality, et cetera.  A conservative can be this ignorant because: 

They're apathetic to anything that doesn't benefit them

They're too fearful or stupid.

They've spent too much of their lives believing the same things and can't think different, or don't want to even try because that would . 

They're lazy and just want to feel as though they’re correct rather than putting in the time and effort to determine what is correct. See the "Apathy" section below for more on this mindset. 

They don't have the time to meaningfully engage with content on political and social issues and really invest themselves in to these things. 

They see politics as entertainment rather than a way to find what's best for the common good and help the most people. Some of these folks may only be engaged with politics to troll "trigger," or "own" the left (see below).

They just want to troll, "trigger," or "own" the left and don't stand for anything themselves, only opposing whatever the left is doing. Some of these folks may also be engaged with politics only for the entertainment value (see above).

They're annoyed by pretentious leftists or got their feelings hurt by pretentious leftists.

They want attention. 

*They make a living, or obtain some combination of wealth, power, and notoriety, fear-mongering and telling conservative masses what they want to hear.

They're manipulated by the people fear-mongering and telling them what they want to hear. 

fear is the mind killer

Fear really is the mind killer because it "kills" certain brain processes, interrupting them in a way that leaves humans vulnerable to intense emotion and impulsive reactions, according to this University of Minnesota webpage. Some are never able to overcome this fear so in a sense it "kills" their critical thinking skills and makes them only able to act on emotion, immediate reaction, and impulse, meaning that's what they base their political beliefs on. This leaves them vulnerable to emotional appeals and manipulation. Most of this fear is instilled by conservative media outlets and social media figures. By getting people to be afraid, they lose the ability to think critically and become much more suggestible to extremist beliefs and actions. And considering many conservatives already suck at critical thinking and have low cognitive ability already, this is incredibly easy to do. 

Fear is a big motivator for their conservative beliefs, values, and arguments. Fear of job-stealing illegal immigrants, fear of “socialism,” fear of “socialists,” fear of the government taking their guns, fear of Big Tech, fear of a white minority in America and the uncertainties that bring, fear of trans people, fear of their way of life and the things they believe (even if those things are outdated, flat out wrong, flawed, or harmful) fading away and losing in the marketplace of ideas, fear of black people, fear of change, fear of anything new, uncomfortable, or unfamiliar, fear of things that appear too confusing or complex to understand, et cetera. 

As previously mentioned, fear makes people more vulnerable to emotional appeals. The fear of the unknown - change, things that are confusing or complex, things they're unfamiliar with - is probably the biggest motivator since your imagination will always conjure up something SCARIER than the thing actually is. And this fear causes conservatives to imagine extremely scary versions of reality, potential futures, and the goals, beliefs, and values of others like a future where white people are massacred by minorities or there being people who are trans because they're pedophiles or something. Their imagination gets an assist from the fear-mongering and manipulation by conservative media (I discuss this more in depth below). 

Tradition is also kept alive by fear (in addition to stupidity and bigotry). The unknowns and uncertainties that come with new things can be scary, so to avoid confronting that fear conservatives will just reject it and stick with what they know - tradition. It also helps that tradition requires little to no critical thinking skills because that's all been done already by people in the past. 

Leftist values, arguments, and beliefs are not rooted in fear. Rather, they involve actual principles, theories, logic, data, evidence, studies, and reasoning and because they’re not based much on emotions there is a higher quantity of quality evidence to support them.

why so much bigotry?

There is an argument to be made that bigotry, or hatred, is the fourth major alongside stupidity, ignorance, and fear, but I think bigotry is more of a result of those aforementioned traits. A conservative might be too stupid to understand the various factors that contribute/contributed to the position black people in America are currently in and see one crime statistic then come to the conclusion that black people are just worse than white people (which I describe in a section of the BLM page), they might be generally uneducated or too ignorant to conceptualize and understand experiences outside their own, or they may be too afraid of a future where there's less racism against minorities because they think that'll mean more racism against whites (in that case they're likely also stupid because they view racism as a zero sum game). Stupidity, ignorance, and fear all contribute to bigotry in their own way and they also make people more susceptible to manipulation by actual bigots who are disguising their beliefs to make them seem more socially acceptable. 

Most of America has been shaped and influenced by the lives, experiences, and perspectives of straight white people, straight white men specifically.  These straight white people enjoyed many things others different than them could not up until the last few generations when things started to become more equal (or at least less overtly discriminatory) and other perspectives and experiences began getting attention. This incredible amount of change - the desegregation of schools in 1954, the civil rights act of 1964, the sexual revolution in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, the election of the first black president in 2008, gay marriage becoming legal in 2015, increasing visibility of trans people, the increased attention on racism in 2020 - has been somewhat threatening to straight white people. I know the "when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression" quote is kinda cheesy and overused but it certainly applies here. 

The election of Barack Obama also contributed to bigotry in the Republican party and it really much of the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, and anti-black attitudes in today's Republicans and conservatives. Obama was "criticized" for potentially being Muslim (or having a Muslim sounding name), there were conspiracy theories about him being an immigrant from Kenya, and some thought he may have been playing up his "blackness" to appeal to black people, and these three things gave conservatives easy ways to attack him. There were plenty of things to criticize Obama for, but these things weren't it. This lead these attitudes to become mainstream and Trump capitalized on them by appearing to the fear of and hatred towards immigrants and Muslims that had been built up during Obama's tenure as president. Essentially, Obama's election gave bigots the opportunity to turn their bigotry into "legitimate" political beliefs and gave them an excuse to connect the things conservatives already disliked about America or saw as issues in the country with Muslims, immigrants, and black people. Obama's election also increased levels of racial resentment, probably because some fragile white people felt threatened by a black person being president and couldn't accept it as true so they can up with conspiracy theories like him being an immigrant to avoid acknowledging this reality. Here are some studies that look at how Obama's election increased racial resentment: 

Research from the Politics, Groups, and Identities Journal - "Examining whites’ anti-black attitudes after Obama’s presidency"

Research from Oxford University Press - "Privilege on the Precipice: Perceived Racial Status Threats Lead White Americans to Oppose Welfare Programs"

You can check out the "White People and Racism" section on the Miscellaneous page for more on this. 

some quotes i like

While many of these quotes are not specifically about today's conservatives, I think they are very applicable. 


conservative "arguments" and a lack of evidence

Arguments and a lack of evidence

Conservatives and their "arguments" are perfect examples of dogmatism and naive realism. Not only are many conservative arguments not supported by evidence beyond individual facts presented within a vacuum or with no context, but some conservative arguments aren't even informed by evidence yet they are stated as if there is seemingly indisputable evidence backing them. 

This is a backward way of thinking - believing something to be true and then searching for evidence that supports it rather than looking at evidence and reality and then drawing your conclusions from that. And if you have a pre-conceived conclusion then you'll be looking at the evidence with bias. The internet has made it extremely easy for conservatives to look for evidence that only supports their feelings and then cling to it so they don't have to consider anything else and experience the mental anguish critical thinking brings upon them. Slightly exaggerating there, but you get the point. To me, this lack of evidence shows that conservatives don't care about being right, what is best supported by evidence, or doing what is best for people. Instead, they want to be treated like they're right so they can rationalize how they engage with the world and political/social issues and keep living their lives as unbothered and unchallenged as possible

So, twisting reality, manufacturing a different reality, or just avoiding reality altogether serve to distract from this lack of evidence. Additionally, some conservatives just may not have the critical thinking skills and cognitive ability to conceptualize other views of the world or think outside of their own experiences. Thus, they must make up for this in their arguments. The biggest threat to modern conservatives is reality, and while they would say something very similar about leftists there is one big difference: conservatives have little to no meaningful evidence. But they can just always come up with an ad hominem and call the evidence biased, "fake news," "woke," "marxist" or coming from an "sjw" or "virtue signaling." Or just call it...Jewish.

Because reality often does not reflect or align with conservative views and beliefs, arguments will typically serve one of these three purposes:

Obviously, many of these arguments are terrible, but conservatives don't even have to make good arguments to achieve their goals or be convincing enough to persuade people away from leftist beliefs.  All conservative media has to do is create enough doubt in people's minds that they get overwhelmed by the conflicting information, become exhausted, and disengaged from the subject so they fall back on the easiest course of action. That easiest course of action typically benefits conservatives because the easier course of action is typically not engaging in critical thinking, falling back on whatever "feels right," whatever aligns with "common sense" or what a person knew before and has always thought was true, etc... 

Conservative "arguments" overview

Most conservative arguments will fall under at least one of these categories:

I also find that many conservative "arguments," especially those made by influential conservative figures or the people paying these figures, is just petty self-preservation under the guise of an argument because they want to preserve what benefits them, favors them, makes them feel comfortable, et cetera. This is why traditions are brought up so much. "Tradition" is a vague enough term for these people to hide behind rather than just outright saying something like "gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married," or, "blacks shouldn't be treated equal to white people."

Extended thoughts and theories

Conservative beliefs and values mainly persist because of the fear that's instilled in already stupid or ignorant people through made-up stuff about "the left" or blowing something about "the left" out of proportion (like equality for black people means discrimination against white people or because CRT is being taught in schools that means the white race is under attack and experiencing genocide or because kids are made aware of gay and trans people that means the left is trying to make all children gay and trans and indoctrinate them into sexual depravity) that they convince themselves and others to be real, then dangling that threat in front of other stupid people who lack critical thinking skills and may already have biases that would make it easier for them to accept false information. That, and because hate and bigotry will always exist and there will always be those with losing enough morals to manipulate stupid and fearful people for power and money. 

General tactics and trends

Triggering their opponent 

Evidence in a vacuum, devoid of context

Ignoring quantity and quality of evidence

Vague references to an argument

Appeals to tradition

Hypotheticals - saying something is happening but providing no evidence it or saying something is going to happen but not being able to logically explain how we get from here to there

Common sense 

Conservative "arguments," especially those found in media like a PragerU video remind be a lot of infomercials:

Avoiding reality 

Feelings, facts, and excuses

From the supposed war on Christmas to trans people in bathrooms to Critical Race Theory (which even Tucker Carlson says he hasn't figured out what it is), conservative media outlets and the people who control the barrage of content they put out cause panic that makes conservative viewers feel as if they are constantly under attack. This feeling is created by over-exaggerating issues and doing repeated sensationalist stories about the same things that aren't happening. 

From there, it's just a constant cycle of fear and outrage over fake things that these folks are just too stupid to understand or too afraid of to try and understand (or they just don't have the time to even begin to understand things so they consume media that just tells them what they want to hear).

And the best part for these conservative media outlets? They don't even have to make good or convincing arguments (and they hardly ever do), nor do they even have to fully convince a large portion of the population. All they have to do is create enough doubt in people's minds that they get overwhelmed by the conflicting information, become exhausted, and disengaged from the subject so they fall back on the easiest course of action. 

This barrage of moral panic nonsense in media coverage leaves conservative viewers only able to focus on the fake/strawmanned/exaggerated issues like CRT or "trangenderism", the ever-present threat of "socialism" and "marxism," or whatever scapegoat terminology is popular for right-wing outlets to focus on at the time. Viewers then associate anything wrong they see in the world with these things, validating the lies that conservative media are selling. However, these issues will only persist because these viewers are too brainfucked by conservative media to know what is actually causing them and what needs to be done to address them. The persistence of these issues allows conservative media outlets to just rinse and repeat. And if an issue is ever solved, conservative media can just make up a new one. 

If you repeat a lie enough times to enough people, it becomes the truth. And Fox News has been the most-watched news network for several years in a row. The country may never fully solve real issues or address them in time before those problems create more problems because half the country paying attention to the aforementioned conservative media is more concerned with banning puppets from a conference than doing anything meaningful or productive. Democrats may fail in doing this but at least they're able to recognize real problems and try and put forth some effort.

This tweet from conservative activist Christopher Rufo (a contributing member of the conservative think tank The Manhattan Institute) basically sums up what I'm getting at and it's wild that he publicly admits this. The barrage and overuse of a term like CRT is aimed to make conservatives feel overwhelmed and that anything and everything bad happening in the world is because of CRT. This isn't productive and doesn't help anyone. If anything, it holds society back. 

Anyways, as I have stated above, this creates a constant feeling of being under "attack" which in turn strengthens conservatives' convictions and makes them more agreeable to increasingly extremist and bigoted beliefs. It's like the "desperate times call for desperate measures" phrase - desperate times are created by media to make your average conservative more suggestible to desperate measures like banning ideas from schools, placing bounties on the head of women who get an abortion, inspecting the genitals of children who want to play a sport in school, et cetera.   

It's basically McCarthyism 2.0 and it's very effective.

change, new things, and science bad

What makes conservatives so opposed to change?

There is no one reason why conservatives seem to be opposed to new things and change, but there are a few trends that emerge. Conservatives may be opposed to new things and change because:

You notice a lot of the arguments conservatives make against new things and changes they dislike involve calling them socialist, marxist, or communist. This reminds me of a Harry S Truman quote (seen below in Figure 2) in which he says that people who call everything helpful "socialism" really mean "down with progress." 

There is a lot of unknown and uncertainty associated with change and this, coupled with the confusion and discomfort that may come with a confusing or complex idea, makes change scary and something conservatives want to avoid. Thus, they argue in favor of what is or what was. There is a lot less uncertainty and confusion to associate with the past or the present than an imagined future. To me, this is a major reason why conservatives may argue little needs to change in the world as it currently is or that the changes that happen should revert the world back to how it was in the past.

It can also be very hard for people to admit that they're wrong or own up to an error in general. That's part of human nature (a bad part of human nature).

Change and new things are bad

Conservatives will often attempt to “criticize” leftists by saying that they can’t think for themselves or don’t have any new/original ideas. This is some ironic projection considering concepts like new, progress, or change are the antithesis to conservatism. Conservatism is all about preserving the status quo - usually because the current state of things is beneficial to a person on an individual level and they can't fathom an existence outside their own or because that’s how things always have been, and change and new things are a threat to that. Conservatives don’t think for themselves because a). they’re maybe too stupid to and have low cognitive ability and b). why think and come up with new things when you can just rely on how things have always been - they’ve always been that way why is there a need to change, especially when they’ve gotten so accustomed to how things have always been? Change and new things come with a lot of unknowns and uncertainties, making them scary. And out of that fear conservatives have to push back against new things and change. 

It’s basically Plato’s cave allegory with conservatives being the people watching the shadows from the fire and leftists going out of the cave to explore. Anything that deviates from the shadows on the wall is heresy and not to be believed - after all this is what they’ve always seen and believed their whole lives so how could it be wrong? The people making them question their beliefs and what they see need to be gone, insulted, humiliated so they aren’t taken seriously, eradicated, et cetera. Popular conservative figures on social media exemplify the shadow watching people almost without fail and will rarely present any new idea, new way of viewing the world, or new thought. Their content will typically be one of three things: 1). attempting to “criticize” something a leftist said or did or a perceived belief leftists have 2). making fun of something a leftist said or did or a perceived belief leftists have, often times being insulting 3). trying to identify some far fetched leftist hypocrisy as a “gotcha.” Rarely will they ever present a new idea or a new way of looking at the world and if they do it’s usually in response to a new idea or view from leftists. The conservative platform is merely “let’s keep things the same” and there are no other ideas there besides “let’s stop the left” or “what can we do to prevent the left from changing things” or “here’s why the left is bad/wrong and why we have to stop it.” Conservatives don’t have ideas they have a fear of change and the new. The entire modern platform is defined by merely being against some other thing - the "radical" left. Conservatives speeches often follow these same lines in which they talk about why the left is bad and wrong, why the left needs to be stopped, how the stays quo and how the way things always were will be changed if the left succeeds and then vague references to America and what America has always been like or was like and why it should be like that again. Nothing new just basically “new bad, change scary, keep everything the same.” There’s a good quote from the TV show The Alienist that comes to mind: “Every new thinker is condemned at first by those for whom change is more terrifying than child murder.” In this respect, it can be said that change and new things are terrifying to a conservative and to prevent themselves from having to confront that fear they aregue and vote against change. 

 This kinda then relates to Freud's pleasure principle - seek pleasure avoid pain. Processing or conceptualizing a new idea won't cause a conservative physical pain per se, but they will experience some mental anguish trying to understand this new idea or change, thus they avoid anything new or change and take up the position opposite it. Additionally, it takes a lot more information to convince a person of something they don't believe in than something they already do believe in and considering conservatives won't even attempt to interact with any form of media that may have a leftist bias because they think it's "fake news" or liberal indoctrination they're not only not exposing themselves to differing ideas but are also setting the bar so low for what they consider evidence to support their beliefs that a meme can be hard evidence for them.  

Science is bad

The aversion to change and new things conservatives have probably explains a lot of their distrust of science and belief that leftists have infiltrated the scientific community and made science political, with most science these days just being leftist propaganda. Science is all about change and new things, as new discovers, studies, theories, research, and more almost every day. Science tries to understand things, look at things from different perspectives to gain a better understanding, think about things in new ways. Conservatives just cannot fathom this - why spend time trying to understand something even more or experience it from a different perspective when you already feel like you understand it and already have an opinion on it that you feel the rest of the world shares and has always had? 

Today we accept that the Earth revolves around the Sun but it wasn't until 1543 that the theory, proposed by Nicolas Copernicus in a book published after his death, was put forth. c fact that How do we know that Copernicus wasn't a leftist infiltrator of science? Is the heliocentric model of our solar system leftist propaganda? Science and medicine used to believe that disease was caused by too much blood and diseases could be cured by blood letting. Is what modern science recommends to treat disease today - antibiotics, therapy, surgery, et cetera - all leftist propaganda? Can all disease today just be cured by blood letting and it's only because leftist propaganda that we don't do that anymore? Even in America it used to be commonly accepted that black people were just genetically inferior to white people - black people were dumber, lazier, subhuman even - but that changed fairly recently within the past ~200 years. Were the scientists that tried to prove that humans were divided into separate, unequal races all correct, only to be usurped by leftist infiltrators who spread their propaganda that all races are equal? Rather than acknowledging that change and new ideas have been a part of science forever, conservatives will just label changes or new theories in science that they disagree with as leftist propaganda and evidence of leftist infiltration. So the argument is essentially "science was infiltrated by leftists and spreads leftist propaganda because science no longer tells me what I want to hear or what I think is true." This is very dumb. It would be like a Boston Red Sox fan saying that the MLB was infiltrated by New York Yankees because the Red Sox are having a bad season while the Yankees are having a great season and scheduled in more primetime televised games and "expert" analysis are praising the Yankees more than the Red Sox.

Science was hardly infiltrated by the left, the reality is that as we gain a better understanding of things scientific theories, research, data, and more just support leftist views more than conservative ones. This shouldn't be a surprise considering leftists are typically more educated (or "indoctrinated" according to conservatives too weak minded to grapple with the fact that they may be wrong or using flawed logic and reasoning) and don't have low cognitive ability (research shows a high association between support for Trump and low cognitive ability). Despite claiming that science has been infiltrated by the left or that modern science is all leftist propaganda there is really no concrete date given as to when this began or anything. Rather, science simply having theories, research, data, and more that supports a leftist worldview is the evidence. That is a very dumb thing to say. It's like saying the NBA was infiltrated by Golden State Warriors executives, players, and fans because the Golden State Warriors started performing well and won some championships. 

Something like science that changes on a fairly regular basis or offers new discoveries and ideas is way too complex for the conservative mind to grasp. The mistrust of science, research, "experts," and the like is just evidence of how conservatives are too weak minded to and eschew change and new ideas. Science is not exactly truth, science is finding the truth and theorizing about the truth. When science changes its opinion it didn't lie to you - it learned more. That's just too much to handle for conservatives I guess. 

viewing things in very simplistic, reduced terms

Potentially because they're actually stupid and cognitively challenged, because their worldview and beliefs necessitate them to avoid engaging in critical thinking, or a combination of both things, conservatives appear to be very simple-minded and seek to understand things in the most simplistic, reduced terms possible. Thus, they often mistake the complexities of arguments and other things for being intentionally confusing to "brainwash" or manipulate people but in reality, they're often just too dumb to understand it. Conservatives will also use the complexity of an argument as proof that the argument is bad, wrong, or downright crazy. Obviously, this is a very self-centered way of thinking - simply because you don't understand something, that doesn't mean that something is inherently wrong or flawed. 

Reducing something to a "this or that" is a very simple-minded way of looking at it, but with the lack of critical thinking skills and low cognitive ability conservatives, specifically, Trump voters, have, it would make sense that they can only conceptualize things in the simplest terms. 

It seems like conservatives are unable to think about anything in more than two terms, usually two terms that are extremes. Something is either good or evil, black or white, this or that. Either this politician is a marxist, deep state swamp creature trying to destroy America or a patriot trying to save America. Either you are male or female. There is no such thing as a spectrum, a range, or a scale in the conservative world and it’s a wonder they can even fathom the existence of the color spectrum. You either declare undying fealty to America and love it or if you don’t (you’re neutral to it or you criticize it) you hate it and want to destroy it. It's too bad they can;t conceptualize more than two things at once. 

An example of: "so much for the tolerant left"

You’ll see conservatives argue that leftists are just as hateful or bigoted as they claim conservatives to be and this is a great example of how the conservative mind must view things in extremely simplified terms. Rather than noting that there is a difference between leftist bigotry like “I don’t like conservative people very much” or "I hate this person and they should have their Twitter account banned" and conservative bigotry like “blacks are a huge problem in this country and are subhuman, inferior to the superior white race because of how stupid, lazy, and violent they are” or “Hitler didn’t go far enough the Jews should be wiped from the face of the Earth because they cause all problems” or “gays have corrupted society and are the seed of sin and need to be executed for their crimes of degradation.” Conservatives have to reduce the definition of “bigot” down to the simplest terms in order to rationalize, justify, and be ok with all the hate and bigotry from the right that’s obviously far more extreme than what comes from the left but looking at it in the most simple and reduced terms - this group doesn’t like that group just like that group doesn’t like this group - means conservatives don’t have to grapple with the fact that they’re aligning themselves with such awful people or even acknowledge all the hate and bigotry on their side.

Quality vs quantity 

The need to view things in such simple terms also lets conservatives rationalize the lack of quality evidence they have to support their beliefs. There are two sides to every story, but that doesn't mean every side has the same quantity and quality of evidence backing it. Conservatives recognize that there are some facts that support their views and thus think their views are of equal value and merit to those of leftists. But this really isn’t the case. Imagine this exchange:

Although being undefeated in the Super Bowl is certainly a piece of evidence that can be made to support the argument that Joe Flacco is the greatest QB of all time, there is far more evidence for Brady's case. Brady has won seven Super Bowls, three MVPs, made 14 Pro Bowls and 3 All-Pro teams, and has a variety of other records and accolades. There is just a higher quantity of quality evidence to suggest Brady is the GOAT much like there is more quality evidence to support leftist beliefs when compared to conservative beliefs. 

A factor in why conservatives dislike intersectionality 

I also think this need to view things in simple terms is one of the reasons why modern conservatives dislike intersectionality - they lack the cognitive ability (or pretend to lack the cognitive ability and play dumb to ignore other, better arguments) to understand how a given issue can affect a person's different identities. Apparently, having to conceptualize multiple things at once puts such a strain on their puny brains, conservatives avoid the mental anguish by saying things like "we're just all Americans stop trying to divide us."

being against the left and nothing else

Modern conservatism is defined not by what it stands for but by what it stands against. What's it against? - literally anything the left is doing. This is in part because the two parties oppose each other in general but mainly due to progressive ideals becoming more popular and corporate media reflecting more and more liberal (notice I say liberal, not leftist) views. 

Blindly opposing whatever the left thinks or does

Thus, modern conservatism is not about creating policies to help Americans or doing what can be done to put the country and its people in a better place, rather it is about trying to stop the "radical left" from doing so. Rather than trying to help Americans, modern conservatives are engaging in a culture war and devoting time to complaining about trivial nonsense like Mr. Potato Head being re-branded as Potato Head and Twitter. CPAC's theme in 2021 was "American Uncanceled" and consisted of people just complaining about the left and how they're being "canceled" and what they need to do in opposition to the left rather than discussing plans and policies for improving life in America. 

It's like 

Here are some examples of conservatives just opposing something because it's what the left is doing or what the left supports:

Making fun of the left for whatever they (supposedly) think or do

Say what you will about Democrats trying and failing to address the needs of the American people, but at least they're trying. Conservatives don't try and make fun of Democrats and the left for doing so. 

Rather than present ideas or policy, discuss theories, studies, data, or any kind of solution to a problem, conservatives just point and laugh at the people trying to come up with a solution and call the solution crazy and stupid. "SJW Owned Compilation" type videos you see on Youtube is a perfect example of what I'm describing. Woke progressive stuff can be easy to make fun of and while some "SJW" stuff can certainly be flawed, this reactionary conservative content only points at it and laughs. Many of the examples This kind of content is basically taking a single occurrence or anecdote and then blowing it out of proportion so the "haha look how stupid this is aren't liberals crazy?" sentiment actually seems like valid criticism and not just an emotionally driven, reactionary response. That's the majority of what modern conservatism is: adopting an emotionally driven, reactionary response to things that seems crazy or too hard to understand (partly because they are intentionally presented absurdly by some conservative media) as the truth, then arguing against those things as being "crazy" or "stupid" and trying to make fun of them and those who believe in them. Because when you simply dislike something but don't put in the time to understand it insults are the only "argument" you have. Here's an example:

viewing politics as...

I think it's fair to say that leftists view politics as an instrument for enacting social change and progress. I don't think many conservatives share this view. Instead, they might view politics as a way to gain power and prevent others from doing so or as a form of entertainment. I go into more detail on each below: 

Politics as Power

I think many conservatives see politics and the government as a way to not only gain and maintain power but prevent others (the left) from doing so. Part of this may be motivated by their inability to conceptualize a relationship where both parties are equal, which I discuss a little more under the "Hierarchy not Equality" section below. I also talk more about their efforts to use politics as a means to oppose the left at every turn rather than doing anything productive or meaningful under the "Being Against the Left and Nothing Else" section on this page. 

Viewing politics as a way to gain and hold on to power is likely also a part of the reason why conservatives are so supportive of the police and military - both exist to help keep things in power and are very obvious forms of power themselves. 

Politics as Entertainment 

Politics can be very boring. Taking the time to look through research, studies, and data, reading up on history, and generally using critical thinking skills like I do when updating and adding to this website can be very time-consuming and monotonous. If you aren't passionate about politics or care generally about other people and how politics can be used to help others, these things won't appeal to you. But what may appeal to you and get you interested in politics is their entertainment value. Whether this is the political theatre and spectacle of a great public speaker like Donald Trump, SJW cringe compilations on YouTube, highly edited man-on-the-street type interviews, or something else, there are plenty of ways conservative "politics" can be more entertaining than what politics are really about. These more entertaining aspects of conservative "politics" attract a certain kind of person I think Karyln Boresynko, who you may remember as the person who said Jewish people chose to die in the Holocaust in a PragerU video, is a good example of this.

This emphasis on entertainment also attracts a lot of people who are intentionally edgy just for the sake of getting attention to the conservative movement. It's very easy to get attention if you're a character as wild as Trump who says absurd and offensive stuff, so by emulating him and regurgitating the same conservative nonsense, these people can easily get the attention they want (obviously with no regard for the implications or accuracy of what they're saying to get attention). People like this who capitalize on this for financial gain or to increase their social following are commonly referred to as "grifters." 

a lack of empathy and critical thinking skills

A lack of empathy

When I say conservatives lack empathy, I don't just mean that they're generally selfish assholes that are apathetic to the suffering and oppression of others and can't fathom mildly inconveniencing themselves for the greater good. I also mean that they lack the ability to conceptualize experiences outside of their own. In layman's terms, they can't put themselves in another person's shoes. They can't fathom experiences and existence outside of their own perspective so they don't engage with things that challenge their perspective or questions why we view the world in the way we do. Gaining different perspectives or questioning the world and why we view the world in the way we do is poison to the conservative mind

Because they can't conceptualize existence outside of their own, they may not believe that anyone could actually believe in the things that leftists do or genuinely care about helping others and doing things that improve quality of life for more than just yourself. And because of that, they may think anything done for the greater good and the benefit of others has ulterior motives (i.e. wearing a mask is about government control or tyranny and oppression), activism is just "virtue signaling" and "woke," that anything that supports a leftist viewpoint is "fake news" meant to brainwash people, and any strides leftists make in society or politics is evidence of a sinister plot to destroy their beloved country and way of life because what reasonable person would be a leftist anyway? Essentially, they either legitimately can't understand why other people have different opinions or don't have an interest in trying to understand other perspectives

I am going to make a very strange analogy that hopefully will help you understand what I'm getting at here a little better. Here it goes:

A lack of critical thinking skills

Because conservatives lack empathy, they rarely, if ever meaningfully engage with anything that isn't explicitly supportive of their worldview. This means they don't develop critical thinking skills since their minds go completely unchallenged due to willful ignorance or excuses being made for (it's "fake news," "woke," et cetera). Or maybe they were just born with low cognitive ability and don't have that much natural critical thinking ability. Whatever the reason, this apparent lack of critical thinking skills can be observed through the three main qualities identified earlier - stupidity, ignorance, and fear. 


General thoughts on apathy and how it relates to conservatives

This section will combine a lot of the things I discuss in the "A Mixed Bag of Ignorance," "A Lack of Empathy and Critical Thinking Skills," "Conservative 'Arguments' and a Lack of Evidence," and "Politics as Entertainment" sections to focus more narrowly on the idea that some conservatives just don't care about understanding things, what's right, what's beneficial to most people, et cetera and just want to have their views affirmed in any way possible - whether that way is bigoted, flawed, stupid, or contradictory to their other beliefs - so they can go on with their life as untroubled and uncaring as possible and feel good about themselves, avoiding bad feelings of confusion, guilt, shame or empathy. While apathy is a quality many conservatives may have, I would not say it is on the same level as stupidity, ignorance, and fear. However, I do think that it is one of the main drivers behind ignorance and conservatism attracts apathetic people and then makes them ignorant

Conservatives are apathetic to social and political issues, and the world in general, in the same way that a child throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way doesn't care to hear the explanation from their parents. The child isn't at all interested in why they can't get what they want - they just want it. Similarly, conservatives don't care about actually understanding things or being able to fully grasp concepts and theories - they just want their beliefs, gut reactions to things, and feelings to be supported in any way possible, essentially "getting their way" and being able to live life as unchallenged as possible without having to engage in critical thinking. So, conservatives only interact with media and seek out information that reaffirms their beliefs, regardless of how flawed, bigoted, inaccurate, out of context, or just flat out wrong that form of media and the information is. This behavior could be called "willful ignorance" and exemplified how apathy can inform ignorance in general.

It's this aspect of modern conservatism that's especially sad, embarrassing, and pathetic to me. It doesn't encourage any critical thinking, reflection, or personal growth at all, nor does it encourage a person to challenge themselves by considering different perspectives, confronting their biases, or really using their mind in any meaningful way. Rather, this mindset encourages people to be stagnant in their views because anything contradictory is socialist, marxist, propaganda, brainwashing, "woke," SJW garbage, et cetera, and therefore bad. This stagnation isn't just reserved to individuals, it's also applied to society because conservatives see little reason to change anything about the world. And if they do want to see a change made it's either a change that will revert society back to a time that's more familiar or advantageous to them or a change that will prevent leftists or some other group from making actual change. 

Here's another football analogy:

Conservatism attracts apathetic people 

Apathy isn't just a quality found in conservatives, it's also a quality that attracts people to the conservative party. If someone is apathetic to politics or has just a vague idea of politics and social issues and doesn't care much to understand them further, I think they're significantly less likely to become attracted to politics because of how it can be used to help people, the data, research, and studies available on social and political issues, or the critical thinking involved in politics and social issues. They'll be more likely to be attracted to politics out of the entertainment value it provides, then basing their base political views and the media they consume on what is the most entertaining. 

While it's pretty impossible to make a claim as sweeping as "conservatives are more entertaining than leftists" or "leftists are more entertaining than conservatives," I do think conservative events like speaking engagements and conferences are more entertaining and might even be specifically focused on being more entertaining than anything else. Additionally, Donald Trump is a very good public speaker with a lot of charm and charisma and was already an influential and well-known figure prior to his political career. And I am sure there's a point in everyone's lives where they binge-watched SJW cringe or SJWs- owned compilations. In addition to the entertainment value, conservatism and Trump provide, the cult of personality surrounding Trump can be a source of entertainment on its own. Even the gamification of  QAnon stuff and searching for clues and hidden meanings in Trump's social media posts can be fun. Or at least, more fun than reading a lengthy academic report on any given political or social issue. 

tradition - the anithesis of critical thinking

I theorize that conservatives make arguments in support of tradition for three main reasons:

What makes tradition so comforting? 

Tradition is comforting, both because historically straight white people have traditionally benefited in social hierarchies and because tradition is familiar. There is no unknown with tradition and the past. So keeping things the same and sticking with traditional eliminates the fear that comes with the unknown and uncertainties of the future. Sticking with tradition also means conservatives don't have to engage in any critical thinking because that's all been done for them by people in the past. 

In a sense, critical thinking is the antithesis of comfort because critical thinking requires an individual to journey through what is, for them, uncharted territory and that can be uncomfortable and distressing. 

With critical thinking, you're tackling unknowns and uncertainties head-on because you're dealing with things that are unfamiliar or having to work out a solution to a problem you have never faced. If fear takes hold and prevents someone from this then they can't think critically. Conservatives are familiar with how things are - having to work 40+ a week to scrape by and make ends meet, the top 1% having more wealth than 80% of Americans combined - and that familiarity, even if they're familiar with something that's bad or not that advantageous, means they'll side with what they're familiar with rather than think critically.

Tradition upholds social hierarchies

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Traditional upholds social hierarchies that conservatives would benefit from, considering most conservatives are straight white people. 

Tradition and vageness

"Tradition" is a vague enough term for these people to hide behind rather than just outright saying something like "gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married," or, "blacks shouldn't be treated equally to white people." These people who believe in such things realize that these beliefs are no longer socially acceptable so they can't express them explicitly. Instead, they make arguments in favor of tradition because they can act as a dog whistle to others with a similar mindset but are vague enough to where they can't be pinned down on such bigoted statements and/or specific claims. 

Appeals to tradition are also extremely vague because there have been so many different traditions at different times throughout different human cultures so conservatives don't have to provide much evidence.

handling criticism

In order for a person to acknowledge and accept criticism, they must have an open mind. As established above, conservatives don't have an open mind and are almost immediately opposed to any new idea or way of looking at the world. Thus, they cannot acknowledge or even accept criticism. when they do receive criticism, especially on social media, they'll often play victim, labeling that criticism as them being canceled or censored (maybe they're unaware that the First Amendment does not protect one from criticisms?) or labeling criticism as liberals getting triggered. With conservatives there's no introspection, no reevaluation, no reflection, no consideration that they could be wrong and someone else could have a point. It's basically this Simpsons meme. A good example of this inability to have any "am I wrong?" moments comes from James O'Keefe's book In it he describes an encounter with one of his heroes, , who he compliments.

In not being able to understand or acknowledge criticism, new conservatives social media icons can be born through claiming victim status. The steps are easy:

cancel culture and censorship, because conservatives are never able to shut up about them

What is cancel culture?

To me, cancel culture is 

How cancel culture is a product of the marketplace of ideas

Cancel culture is merely a product of the marketplace of ideas that has become more prominent thanks to the internet. If you put out a really bad product on the market, it's not going to sell well, consumers will criticize it, and it likely won't be in a lot of stores. Similarly, if you put a really stupid idea or erroneous belief out online it's not going to be super popular, people will criticize it, and it won't be well represented on all social media platforms or show up on news outlets or be written about by journalists. In the same way that manufacturers have the freedom to make products but not a guarantee that they'll sell well or be carried in all the major retailers, people have the freedom to express their views but no guarantee that they'll be represented, popular, or visible on major online platforms. 

Now, if a company were to make a product that's unsafe or used a banned ingredient/substance/material it won't even get the chance to go on the market. Or it will go on the market and be pulled after it's found out it is harmful or industry standards change. Similarly, hateful and offensive ideas and beliefs won't be allowed in the marketplace of ideas and ideas and beliefs that were once thought to be acceptable but have since been understood to be harmful or offensive or wrong by society will be "pulled" from the marketplace of ideas. There are various regulatory agencies that dictate what materials and ingredients are safe and acceptable just like society/culture dictates what is "acceptable" to be expressed. 

In a way, platforms like Twitter and Instagram can control the content on their sites the same way retailers like Target and Walmart can control what products they sell. And people are consumers of ideas the same way they are consumers of products. 

Conservatives don't seem to like the marketplace of ideas

Because owning up to being wrong and admitting a mistake can be hard as I discuss under the "Change, New Things, and Science Bad" section above, conservatives have successfully brainfucked themselves to think that anything that supports a leftist viewpoint (studies that show black people are treated worse by the justice system in comparison to white people) or expresses a leftist belief (a celebrity says racism is bad or a TV show tells children gay people exist) is further proof of the fantastic depth and power of leftist brainwashing/propaganda/groupthink and how it's corrupting the world. In reality, conservatives are just losing in the marketplace of ideas and are too stupid, ignorant, fearful, and self-absorbed to realize this so they think there is some sinister plot to oppress them, destroy America, bring socialism to America, et cetera.

Conservatives seem to hate the marketplace of ideas because whenever their views are not present somewhere or represented in something they whine about censorship or something rather than taking responsibility for the fact that many of their views are dumb, stupid, outdated, or just flat out wrong and thus not relevant for those reasons. They'll even go as far as to make laws that require that their dumb, stupid, outdated, and wrong beliefs are taught and that students and teachers must be surveyed on their political beliefs as Ron DeSantis did in Florida. They'll argue that students need to be exposed to a variety of ideas or all information should be made available for them to make decisions on their own but then cry about progressive ideas like "there was racism in America" or "sex is maybe bimodal rather than binary" being in schools and call them indoctrination. Conservatives must make laws that ban ideas they don't like, such as Critical Race Theory, require the teaching of their own dumb ideas, and monitor the beliefs of students and teachers for conservatism to remain relevant in academia and education. Which brings us to...

Conservatives inhibit the free exchange of ideas and censor what they don't like 

Duh yes both parties censor things, but there is a large difference - leftist censorship is done within this market of ideas like offensive or harmful things being removed from or banned in media (in some cases a company will just do this on their own like with the Dr. Seuss book being pulled off shelves for a few years) whereas conservative censorship is done with the help of government and legislation. This is visualized below in Figure 5.

Sure, leftists will censor things they don't like, but often they don't like those things because they're harmful, offensive, or dangerously inaccurate. Conservatives will also censor things they don't like, but they don't like those things because it makes them uncomfortable or challenges their worldview. With the laws banning critical race theory in multiple states, conservatives are actively suppressing ideas and thoughts

Literally 1984

Conservatives will reference 1984 (which they likely have not even read a synopsis of) and the Ministry of Truth's rewriting of history whenever the definition of a word changes or a word adopts a new, different meaning in addition to the This comparison is very dumb - in reality, it is society/culture that changes the definitions of words rather than the government doing so in Orwell's book. Furthermore, this isn't anything new. Society/culture has been doing this for years and language has always evolved as understandings of things change and attitudes in society change. This is called "semantic change." 

political violence

Please see the "Right wing extremists account for most political violence" section under the Crime Statistics page.


Racism/racial resentment stuff

Research Article from the American Political Science Association - Why Did Women Vote for Donald Trump?

Research article from the Political Science Quarterly journal - "Understanding White Polarization in the 2016 Vote for President: The Sobering Role of Racism and Sexism"

Other stuff

Article from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - "Ethnic antagonism erodes Republicans’ commitment to democracy"

Research from the Group Process and Intergroup Relations journal - "The threat of increasing diversity: Why many White Americans support Trump in the 2016 presidential election"

Research Article from the Association of Critical Psychology - The Anger Games: Who Voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 Election, and Why?

Research Article from Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology - "Authoritarianism, Outgroup Threat, and Support for Antidemocratic Policies"

Research from the Sociology of Religion Journal - "Keep America Christian (and White): Christian Nationalism, Fear of Ethnoracial Outsiders, and Intention to Vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election"

A survey from the American Survey Center found that 39% of Republicans believe violence is necessary if a leader "fails to act," whereas only 17% of Democrats believe political violence is necessary. This means that Republicans are 2.3x more likely than Democrats to endorse political violence. 

clamoring to be victims of oppression and discrimination

Despite often arguing against having a victim mentality and saying things like "no one is oppressed in America," or "if you allow yourself to become a victim then you become your own oppressor," conservatives constantly try and convince others of how oppressed they are and how they're so discriminated against. You can see this below in Figures 1 and 4. I think this is mainly for two reasons - 1). conservatives see minority groups that have been oppressed and discriminated against, or currently are being oppressed and discriminated against getting "special privileges" and they want in on it, and 2). perpetual victimhood is what conservatives use to justify the violence they enact on others and the stuff they fight for and enact can only be justified to them if they are constantly the victim. 

Commonly you'll see conservatives claiming victim status after being banned from a social media platform because they violated the platform's terms of service or saying they're oppressed and discriminated against because a store requires masks to enter or a stadium requires attendees be vaccinated against COVID-19. They'll also use a number of things as proof that there is some sinister plot to oppress them, destroy America, bring socialism to America, et cetera.

Here are some examples of conservatives claiming to be victims

examples of logical inconsistencies 

Conservatives will talk about how Planned Parenthood/abortion is bad because Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sander potentially believed in eugenics and was racist, thus making modern Planned Parenthood and all abortion bad, but then won't apply this logic to America which was founded by slaveholders who apparently wrote founding documents specifically and intentionally to exclude black people at a time when black people were considered property and only white men who owned land could vote.

Conservatives will use suicide stats to make fun of trans people or as evidence that they're degenerate but not do the same with white suicide statistics that are higher than the national average. 

Conservatives will talk about how "woke" people and "wokesim" is a problem in the US and how "woke" people are brainwashed or whatever but then also talk about how Americans need to "wake up" to "the truth" or "wake up" from liberal brainwashing. One of the Q Anon slogans is literally "The Great Awakening." Does waking up not make someone "woke?"

Conservatives will talk about how censorship is bad and whine about it but then censor ideas they don't like such as Critical Race Theory or outright ban things because a company said something they don't like (like Coke). 

Conservatives will make the arguments like "education has become marxist brainwashing and if you go to college you'll be indoctrinated to become a woke sjw marxist! they've infiltrated all of society and even the government! they are going to destroy America!" but then are amazed at how Joe Biden was elected president because "wtf how could commie China Joe Biden be the most popular president ever? I don't believe anybody would vote for him!"

Conservatives will call certain public safety mandates or recommendations from the government that limits their freedom like when the government asked people to stay in their homes or wear a mask in public to control/prevent the spread of COVID-19 "tyrannical" and that they feel like Jewish people in Nazi Germany because of how tyrannical the government is being but then won't say a word when the government shuts down a roadway for public safety reasons to prevent car accidents due to hazardous weather conditions or construction, totally restricting their right to move freely. 

Conservatives will say that COVID-19 is not scary and just like the flu but they'll also say that COVID-19 was engineered by China/the Democrats/the Deep State as an attack on Trump and/or America.

Conservatives will claim they love America but also claim they need guns to protect themselves from America's government. Are they in an abusive relationship with America and they're too scared to leave?

Conservatives will talk about how big corporations, Big Tech, and people like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey - the elite - are a problem but also champion capitalism and free markets that allow the very things they complain about. 

Conservatives say that you shouldn't listen to the government and shouldn't let the government tell you how to live - instead be free! - but then campaign for the government to make abortion illegal and a variety of other things. Based on their own logic, if the US government were to ban abortion and tell people not to get them then every woman should be getting an abortion since they should just be free and not worry about what the government is telling them to do.

Conservatives hate conformity and say not to conform but then conform to the teachings and commandments of a two thousand-year-old book and expect their government to conform to and enforce the teachings of the book.


Virtue signaling

Saying something is “virtue signaling” is hardly criticism, it’s just an observation that parades as criticism and just relies on a person's preconceived notions and bigotry to make them feel as though it’s a legitimate argument. Virtue signaling is really just expressing an opinion or belief publicly. For example, if I were to be wearing a t-shirt that says “racism is bad,” I am obviously making it known that I believe racism to be bad. Saying I’m “virtue signaling” is just acknowledging that I’m doing it. Same with someone who has any political bumper sticker on their car, a sticker on their laptop, or a sign in their yard. It’s labeling an action and that action is publicly making something a person believes in known. This is hardly criticism and it doesn’t even address whatever message or argument the “racism is bad” shirt is making. Just pointing out that a person publicly displays their belief on a shirt or yard sign or bumper sticker is not a criticism of that belief. This would be like labeling the action of making noises like “mmm mmm mmhhh” while eating something good as “pallet signaling” and thinking it critiques the food the person is eating. Those disagreeing with the message of the shirt - that racism is bad - now believe that the wearer is not wearing the t-shirt because they genuinely agree with the sentiment but also to show off how much better they are than everyone else. It’s then assumed that the person wearing the “racism is bad” t-shirt doesn’t actually believe that racism is bad and is just wearing it to get other people’s approval and stuff. So if 90% of the world’s population owned a shirt that said “racism is bad” those disagreeing with that message can now take it not as a sign that the majority of the world actually thinks racism is bad (the actual, logical meaning that can be derived from this) but as a sign that 90% of the world is pretending to think racism is bad. Thus, this person has been brainfucked to believe that all signs of the world supporting and believing in something they disagree with is actually proof that the majority of the world agrees with them but are just too scared or whatever to admit it. This is dumb. A person may wear a t-shirt or put a sticker on their car or laptop that says “racism is bad” for the same reason they’d wear a t-shirt with their favorite football team’s logo on it or put a sticker with something from their favorite movie on it on their car - they just want something that expresses something they like or consider to be a big part of who they are as a person. It’s common for people to purchase products with messages they agree with or things they like on it.

"When you're accustomed to privilege..."

Modern conservatives are an embodiment of the “equality is oppression when you’ve been accustomed to privilege" quote because they’ll flip out acting like the world as they know it is ending and make huge deals out of being mildly inconvenienced (stores asking people to wear masks) or when a person in government recommends or advocates for something they dislike (Biden advocating for being getting the COVID vaccine). This is not to say that conservatives are privileged over leftists or some other political/social group but their behavior does remind me of a spoiled, entitled rich kid who thinks realities of the real world like having to wait for something rather than skip the line or having to clean up their own room rather than having a maid do it is some horrible struggle and discrimination or oppression to the highest degree.

Trumpism and the Q Anon "cult" recruitment

While anyone is vulnerable to "brainwashing" or "indoctrination" there are select groups that tend to be more vulnerable: dumb and/or ignorant people, people who are easily emotionally manipulated, and those left vulnerable due to life events (those who at a vulnerable time in their lives due to life events like financial instability, divorce, will often be easy to emotionally manipulate). We know that support for Trump is related to low cognitive ability and susceptibility to emotional appeals so that explains some of the Trump/Q Anon base but what about the third group? Well, we know that a majority of people who are recruited to cults were approached at a vulnerable moment in their life (this study finds that these factors influence a person's susceptibility to join a cult: ego-weakness and emotional vulnerability, tenuous or nonexistent family support, history of child abuse or neglect, proclivities to substance abuse, debilitating stress and crises, and intolerable socioeconomic conditions). The cult presents itself as an answer to the person's prayers or an answer to their questions. The Trump supporter in this video who says a guy stole his home, destroyed and separated his family, and destroyed his business is a good example of that. The Trump/Q Anon "cult" does those things in addition to presenting that whatever bad things that happened in a person's life to put them in a vulnerable moment, not as a singular one-off occurrence that sucks but part of a deliberate and calculated attack staged by an “other” that is the enemy trying to ruin that person's way of life, not only giving them a family and community but an invisible enemy that is always present to fight against. 

Candace Owens and "Blexit"

Candace Owens’ whole shtick is just telling black people that they don’t have to be Democrats. That’s it, that’s the extent of the argument. There’s no reasoning she offers, just the fact that you have a choice to be Republican is the argument for why a black person should be a Republican. It would be like going up to someone eating McDonald's and saying “you could be eating Burger King” and in response to them inquiring why they should eat at Burger King that person just says “because you could be eating Burger King.” There is no reason, evidence, or logic Candace Owens offers as to why a black person should be a Republican other than the fact that they could be a Republican. She's not offering anything new she's just reminding a person of a choice that they have always had but treating it like a huge revelation.

The media

Conservatives will talk about how the media shouldn't be trusted, the media is the enemy of the people, the media lies to people every day, and that people who listen to the media are "brainwashed sheep" but then consume media themselves and praise such media (PragerU, TPUSA, etc…) for “telling the truth.” Conservatives will even use forms of media to tell people how the media lies, that it can't be trusted, and that it's the enemy of the people. How stupid do they think their audience is (to be fair that audience is likely very stupid). This is just another form of cognitive dissonance - they’re claiming that the media lies but then accepting the “truths” they want to hear presented by the media that keeps them in their echo chamber. So it’s essentially "the media lies but only when it says something that I don’t believe in or something that doesn’t back up my beliefs/feelings."

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8