Conservatives almost getting it

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, but when it does, the squirrel is actually able to recognize that it's a nut. Conservatives can stumble across some truth, logic, reasoning, or evidence/data that disproves their beliefs and even admit it themselves but won't recognize the implications of it and how it disproves their beliefs, worldview, or opinions. They'll sometimes get so close to realizing something important or becoming self-aware but will almost always come away with the wrong idea, even though it's staring them right in the face. Of course, there likely are some on the right who do come to understand certain things better and are a little bit self-aware but will still act disingenuously and in bad faith because they don't care and for whatever reason just can't give up their beliefs and learn or grow as a person.

I've collected some of my favorite instances of "conservatives almost getting it" on this page, but you can find more on the r/SelfAwarewolves subreddit, r/LeopardsAteMyFace subreddit, and this Instagram account.Â