The Project


The MapEUrHistory project stems from the awareness of the importance of training the professionals of the next generations in the field of A European Historical Digital Maps, setting itself the concrete goal of creating a permanent platform, equipped with innovative and digital tools, for teachers and school staff of high schools.

The platform and the tools included in it, aim to:

  • Generate a new awareness among high school teachers about the value and opportunities associated with European

  • Historical Digital Maps and Micro- History Sources Valorization

  • Improving the level of knowledge and competence on the opportunities of European Historical Digital Maps and Micro-

  • History Sources Valorization starting from high schools

  • To encourage active teaching through innovative teaching methodologies based on Digital Mapping and arts-based research approaches.

  • Encourage interactions between schools to promote the emergence of joint initiatives at the transnational level.

    Specifically, it is planned to develop a shared platform that contains (toolkit - activity 1)

  • three training modules, presented in 4 different languages (EN, IT, RO, ES)

  • a series of tools to create the Digital Mapping

  • a list of digital tools/methods for active participation in European Historical Digital Maps

  • a web-forum for sharing among schools, also functional to peer-review.

  • and an Interactive Platform for Local Digital Archives)

All the tools will be tested and validated through 6 national workshops and 1 transnational online workshop

The partners


🇪🇸 Spain