Week 8

With technology becoming more and more advance things involving augmented reality and virtual reality really open us to an enormous amount of possibilities and chances to not only advance but provide a better value of life. When a person’s life is introduced to technology it really opens them to the ability to be on an even field of knowledge. We live in a life where peoples status and dependent on who they know and what they know leaving there no room for mistake or misinterpretations. So, when addressing this idea of space when it comes to virtual reality it makes its possibility of really making and immersing real life actions digitally.

One way that we could make this more helpful is have more tracking, tracking would allow for a more smooth movement reading as well as better recognition of hand movements and interactions to environment. One thing that I think could be improved is more floor plan reading without having the user try to identify and set the boundary of the tracking the headset would record the user simply looking around the room and identify spot areas to avoid and the limitation of the tracking. This simply help the user preform more actions more humanly, dynamically instead of standing in front of the trackers in a specific position. This allows for a more immersive experience allowing the human body to feel more of the movements not only inside the game but outside as well.

Now for something more in the augmented space one thing I would help change is the voice recognition side of your typical voice recognition software like Alexa or the Google home. These kinds of technology already tend to read the wrong thing when the user tries to have it do something but ends up doing something else. It also sometimes tends to try to read things when its not called because of how many times it misses the mark. Simply changing its programming and a better sound tracking to hear and read the data according to its position in the room seeing as how sound in different areas of a room really change and have clarity of the voice. This kind of correction really allows the user to have a more of a hands-off approach to their daily task and needs making a more personal assistant be more efficient.

So, in conclusion, the more space conscious technology gets the more accommodating to human needs become more and more immersive. It is making a more meaningful interaction and leaves people feeling more accomplished and more informed. Breaking the knowledge barrier needed to make a life more meaningful and engaging.