Week 2

I believe the advancement to Artificial Reality are truly revolutionary in its ability to enhance the users experience. By making a character of your favorite book be brought to light and ability to also interact with the user is an experience that gives new readers a chance to see and fall in love with the book before ever reading a word. It’s a new version of advertising that is one revolutionary and two stretching the idea of creativity. I also see this as a great way to inform the reader of the books story. There are some general complications with images and no real sort of regulation on it as well. When I was building my demo of the AR astronaut, I was having a lot of trouble trying to sync the target image to the database to interact with the Vuforia engine.

I also had a lot of difficulty adding a 3d model to the unity file as well as making the model the correct position and size. Following the guide Vuforia tutorial for unity it really made things straight forward and easy to access. After I followed the steps, I made some modifications to the configurations to switch webcams from my general laptop to my USB connected one. Afterwards I added models to the unity file and continued to play with it adding more models and a couple of different animations.

These types of applications do make me question the type of misuse that could possibly come up because of lack of responsibility and accountability. And if in the near future when we do implement some sort of accountability will it get to some point of censorship of materials being augmented and used. AR has a lot of things to be concerned about, but I feel that its capabilities and the experience of it is something worthy of taking a chance and making such hurdles for.