
  • About - Basic information on the current LwCad version.
  • Online Help - Link to the current version of the current manual.
  • LWCAD License - Licensing Information and Activation. For more information on activating LwCad, visit Activation page.
  • Preset Path - Preset path location of Shape Library.
  • Dimension Unit - Switch between unit types.
  • Distance Precision [digit] - Specifies how many precision digits are visible when displaying distance values in a viewport.
  • Knot Precision [digit] - Specifies how many precision digits are visible when displaying knot values in a viewport.
  • Mouse Weight Step - Specifies the sensitivity of the mouse when adjusting the weight of a handle.
  • Mouse Angle Step - Specifies the sensitivity of the mouse when adjusting the angle of a handle.
  • Snap Threshold [pix] - Defines the snapping distance in a viewport.
  • Nurbs Divisions - Number of NURBS surface subdivisions in real-time visualization. The higher the number, the smoother but the slower the surface.
  • Default Settings - Restore factory settings..