Connect TR

All Mesh TR Edit tools use a new selection system (see Smart Selection).

Join - Join Edge (TR)

Complex tools for connecting geometry.

Edge version allows to join particular segments of curve and edges of polygons or NURBS surfaces.

Operations :

  • merging points of curves, polygons and nurbs surfaces

  • intersecting curves

  • removing duplicate and overlapping curves, polygons and NURBS surfaces

  • removing singular curve segments, curves, poly, edges, polygons, nurbs segments, nurbs surfaces

  • fixing degenerated and cracked polygons and flat surfaces

  • fixing surfaces with degenerated normal

Note: Join replaces old Merge, Unify and Fix polygons tools.

Join Cmd

Legacy version of Join command. This tool will be removed.

Explode -Explode Edge (TR)

Complex tools for disconnecting geometry to smaller parts

Edge version allows to disconnect particular segments or edges.


  • exploding curve's segments into separate curves

  • exploding connected polygons and NURBS surfaces into standalone unconnected entities

Explode Cmd

Legacy version of Explode command. This tool will be removed.


Command for flipping polygon or nurbs surface normals. Also reverses order of points on curves.