Detail TR

All Mesh TR Edit tools use a new selection system (see Smart Selection).

Divide - Divide Edge

Tools for dividing geometry (curves, polygons and NURBS surfaces)

  • Count Mode - selected edges are divided by the defined number

  • Distance Mode - the dividing number is re-calculated from the defined final distance of the divided part

Refine - Refine Edge

Tools for inserting and removing NURBS knots into NURBS curves and surface edges.

Knots define the detail level of NURBS.

Manual Mode - manual selection of edges and add-remove knots.

Adaptive Mode - knot are inserted automatically.

Max Angle - maximum allowed angle between control points (adaptive mode)

Uniform Ratio - defines how uniform the knots will be inserted (adaptive mode)

Minimize - Minimize Edge

Tools for reducing-minimizing curves, polygons and NURBS surfaces.

  • Points Angle - threshold for point removal routine

  • Knots Threshold - maximum allowed deviation when removing knots

Reduce (LEGACY)

Command for reducing lines, polygons and flat nurbs surfaces.