Mesoamerica and Cortez

Mesoamerica has always fascinated me. Whether it was the Dine and Hopi who grew up near me, living by the Pueblos in New Mexico, or the fascinating histories of the Aztecs/Nahua, Maya, Zapotecs, and other Pre-Columbian civilizations like the Inca, all were very intriguing to me. I know their histories, I would like to say I have a great command of their cultures and religions (but I am not a native of the culture, so who knows?), and I think they have incredible legacies for humanity. I do not like chronicling their fall to the Spanish, but it is something that has to be done. I used a Vivid Base Map to highlight the beauty of this tropical and sub-tropical region of Central America.

Hernan Cortes and the Conquest of the Aztec Empire Map.pdf