Peacebuilding Solutions

It's hard not to think about politics in today's world. It is even harder to find optimists. I am an optimist. "Hope springs eternal", but it is always tempered by reality. One must acknowledge and accept the constraints that the body politic and the world around us puts on the decisions we can make. That includes natural laws, the limited resources of an imperfect world, and the past weighs heavily on us.

In this section, I try to point out solutions, not easy fixes. I do not claim to know or have all the answers; I am a simple geographer with wide ranging interests. I know many of my limits. But I would rather be creative, innovative, and thought provoking in the service of my God and my country, liberal and conservative, holding to good and proven principles while looking forward to tackle our difficulties with the new and upcoming tools at our disposal.

"Difficulties are just things to overcome after all."

I think that like Ernest Shackleton said "Optimism is true moral courage." I think of all the great blessings that have been bestowed upon us and I want to show that progress, and where we need to go in order to shore up our weak spots. Another Shackleton quote is illustrative. "Difficulties are just things to overcome after all.", and I think despite all the negativity all around us, I think we can overcome the many difficulties we are faced with.

"Optimism is true moral courage."