Home Range Analysis

This assignment was an effort to find the local home range of a pack of coyotes in North Central Utah. We used Kernel Analysis.

First we created Minimum Bounding Geometries. I have drafted a couple of maps below:

Here's the original map.

Then I calculated Kernel Density. The coyotes like to hang the most around Dugway.

Comparison of Core regions with Convex Polygons

Lastly, a table of preferred Coyote Landcover:

Coyote Preferred Landcover Data

When I was a kid, I would watch a great TV series about how animals grow up, from a first person or first-animal perspective, I should say. Cain the Coyote was a great show! Coyotes are cunning relatives of the wolf. There is little wonder why the local Native Americans used either him or Raven as their stand in Trickster in their mythology.