The last map for the Ethiopian hotspots you saw was analytically a bit spurious. I used a rainfall map, a locust map, and a conflict map, and let people draw their own conclusions. This was good, but there were a lot of spatial patterns that didn't make sense. For example, what the heck is going on in Somaliland? It also did not help that I did not know how to do hotspot maps at the time. A good hotspot map allows us to sort through the noise of the other spatial patterns and see what is going on and why. In this map above, we see that only in one small part of Tigrinya, there is only one hotspot of fatalities---the one green dot in the sea of red locust infestations. The other green dots seem to be correlated to the conflict between Amharic elites and Tigran elites.
Here is the original ACLED dataset used. I clipped it for the maps above and to the right of this one.
Same data and analysis as above, but a different basemap.