Lobotomy Corporation

-The Roleplay-

Welcome to the Lobotomy Corporation (Now hiring)!

Greetings, my name is Angela and you might be wondering what do we do and why do we need people like you...

First of all; We are the world's #1 energy producer! (Further explanation below)

Secondly; We are expanding our domains by making a totally new facility built just a month ago and we are in dire need of new people with great potential!

If you think you're qualified enough for the job, you can directly apply for it down in the sixth section. Remember to read everything before applying!

All you need to do to get the job is impress us through the four sets of work.

About the RP

Lobotomy Corporation is a 4-off roleplay based on the game Lobotomy Corporation by ProjectMoon, a SCP-esque management game.
Taking part in: High Voltage RPs.
On: Saturdays from 4pm EST to 7:30-8pm EST (around three and a half hours/session).
RP may contain slightly disturbing scenarios and images.
In order to join read the Main page and Life As Employee page and then send Riam#6004, DBrock23#7803 or Volt#9579 your character with a cropped photo, files if necessary and your Employee Application Sheet completely filled. Characters may be turned down if they are too memey or fantasy-like.
If you're going to be late, please do warn us beforehand or your spot may go to another user.

The basics and our rules!

As a working employee in our facility, you should have the following:

1-A doctorate in a science field that benefits you, the rest and more importantly, us.

2-A strong body, as well as a strong mind. We do not accept weaklings here.

3-A curious nature. Humanity did not make advances just standing still.



1-Conservation of the facility is prioritary above anything else, even your own lives.

2-Listening to the Sephirah and Manager is mandatory, they are above you in every existing way.

3-Violence between employees is not prohibited but it must be justified. Examples are listed below.

3.1-Employee has gone mad.

3.2-Employee refuses to work.

3.3-Employee has stolen/damaged something belonging to the Lobotomy Corporation.

3.4-Employee is leading a boycott.

4-Everything found about an abnormality must be reported to the Sephirah or to the Manager.


1-No metagaming or peeking inside the GM/Player files.

2-Usage of /getareas is only allowed at the Security room, if it is open. /getareas is fine.

3-No OOC hate towards players. Keep drama in DMs.

4-Battle system order is dictated through your Justice level.

5-Death may not be the end. So if you need to drop you can tell any GM beforehand so we can ask for a replacement.

6-For any questions regarding exploring, interacting or attacking, refer to your respective GM or the GM in that room.

7-No ERP, work has to be a safe enviroment.

8-Suggestions and criticism are appreciated.

What is an 'Abnormality'?

As its own name says, Abnormalities are abnormal entities created from [Data Expunged] that possess the power to create energy. Through interactions with human beings such as [Redacted] they are able to create energy out of nothingness. That energy is then refined and transformed into Enkephalin, the Corporation's one and only source of income. For simplicity the energy will be refered as PE from now onwards.

Abnormalities classify in two big types; Abnormalities and Tool Abnormalities

The former behave like animals or humans while the latter cannot interact directly without previous human contact.

Abnormalities have a risk level, asigned to them when they are first experimented with. There are five risk levels; ZAYIN, TETH, HE, WAW and ALEPH

The better the interaction, the better the result. The worse the interaction, the worse the result. Simple, is it not?

There are four types of interactions one employee can do to an Abnormality: Instinct, Insight, Attachment and Repression.

Through interactions PE are earned and before it is refined into Enkephalin it can be transformed into E.G.O., that being suits and weaponry related to the Abnormality it has been extracted from.

Last but not least, the Qliphoth Counter. This counter is an estimate on how close is an Abnormality from escaping. It can be both raised and lowered and as soon as it hits zero, the Abnormality will most likely escape.

Your superiors, the Sephirah.

The Sephirah are a group of twelve individuals, selected directly by The Manager herself, Angela.

These individuals are directly above you in rank and they will be the ones overseeing your work and noting down everything you do, wether good or bad. They will upload said information to the corresponding page.

The facility is separated in three different sections we will call layers, them being Asiyah, Briah and Atziluth. Your four sets of work in the Corporation will be distributed accordingly through all the three, starting from Asiyah, following with Briah and finishing with Atziluth.

Alike the facility, the Sephirah are divided by layers as well, four being in each layer. All of them being in control of a department within the facility and being the highest authority in them. Any question regarding the topic of that department should be relayed to the corresponding Sephirah, never to the manager herself.

Further information is to be provided in the respective page about the Sephirah.

Ordeals, the byproduct.

However, nothing is perfect in this world, not even us.

The consecuence of interacting with the Abnormalities brings another problem; "Ordeals".

These are even more mysterious than abnormalities themselves since they can not be contained. if they are not erradicated they will continue to cause havoc. Alike the Abnormalities, they possess supernatural abilties and some are extremely dangerous, even more than most Abnormalities.

The second main difference is that Ordeals can be killed while that does not happen with Abnormalities.

Four types of Ordeals have been discovered so far but there may be more.

You, the "Employee"

Now its time to talk about you.

We expect all the people that apply to The Lobotomy Corporation to be more than capable, in all the senses.

You are the gears of the company. Do you have what it takes?

Are you strong enough?

Are you wise enough?

Are you empathetic enough?

Are you impartial enough?

If you think so, apply below:

Employee list




Enomoto Naoya

-Quantum Physics-


Rouka Jigoku



Judas "Silver" Wilheim


-The Doctor of time and emit-

Himiko Yumeno


-All My Names Are Phrases-

Elsif Aurei




-Computer Science-

-Xu Fu-

Nao Egokoro


-[M e d i o c r i t y]-

Ryo Gushiken






James Phillip

-Public Health-


Mineo Enomoto



Reserve 1:Jaime Character:Ia Shishibe

Reserve 2:-JessieBest Character:Kyoko Kirigiri

Reserve 3:- Character:

Sites brought to you by Volt

Roleplay brought to you by:

Riam, DBrocks23 and Volt.