I know we can get through it, we will try our best!


You're supposed to be the gears of this corporation, I, at least, expect you all to bring proper clothing.

"Your voice may not be able to reach the other Sephirahs, just like how it hadn't reached me earlier. But.. There is someone else you may be able to reach out to."


"... as a thank you for your admirable work today, I believe we Sephirots owe you something in return."

Department Upgrade: Preliminary precautions.

Before starting work with an abnormality, you will be warned about the Abnormality's most hated work type.


"... I will very much be looking forward to going to that cafe with you, Nao."

"From now on, I'll be giving it my all. Let's make sure we get out of this alive, everyone."

Department Upgrade: Perfected Analysis

All work types are now described in full details under the Abnormality page.


That's right, I'll be level with you. I don't like my job.

"You have given me hope back...For that, I'll make it so our dream may be true"
"I'll give you all the support i can..."

Department Upgrade: Relaxing Lobby
All Lobbies now heal by 10 HP and SP per minute.


"Nao...You have given me back hope...Just like Carmen did.
I thank you for that, Let's build a new future..."

Department Upgrade: Relaxing Hallways
You now passively heal 5 HP/SP while in hallways, while abnormalities are not present.


Um...I'm not very skillful in many areas but I'll try to not be a hinderance, at least...!

"I believe you all can change this if you work enough"


"And I will help you with it!"

Department Updrade: Toughened Employees

Whenever the first Employee falls below 0HP in a battle, they will remain at 1HP and continue to be able to fight.