The Sephirah

As stated in the Main Page, the Sephirah are the people who will oversee your progress and make sure you do not suffer any work accidents. After every work period they will ask the Team Captain (Life as Employee section) for all the info gathered. Try to be as professional and concrete as you can redacting the information, this is not a work report not a book.

Whenever something happens within the facility walls and it relates a concrete department an employee must report to the corresponding Sephirah and inform them, they will take action accordingly. Ex: A pipe bursts open, you must report to the Safety team.

However there are other two people besides the Sephirah you should know about.

Angela, The Manager

I am the responsible of overseeing every one of your actions. Every mistake and accident you cause I will note it down.

As the Head Manager I am in charge of controlling the flow of the work periods and how everything works in the big picture. My aim is to make the facility go on rails without any accidents.

Before attending to me, think if any Sephirah can answer your question. If they can, go to them. If they can not, it is not a question I am allowed to answer.

At the end of the four work periods I will judge if you are worthy of staying in the Corporation or not. It is likely that if you made it that far you are, at least, good enough.

My word is absolute within this facility.

Yes, I am the one writing this.

Myo, The Rabbit Team Leader

This woman right here is Myo, the captain of the Rabbit Team.

The Rabbit Team is a group of extremely qualified mercenaries The Lobotomy Corporation has hired to contain extremely dangerous Abnos. They are armed to the teeth and will not leave a single body standing wherever they are called or at least die trying.

The Rabbit Protocol is the name we gave to their calling. An agreement must be reached between The Manager, the sephirah and the employees in order to call them, since their prices are not cheap at all. You will have the courtesy to have their help once during the four work periods.

If they see anyone interfering with their work they will elliminate them, do ask before acting around them, they have standards.

You do not want to see her within the facilty.

"If I am the cerebrum, they are the cerebellums"