Of course we are, isn't it obvious? We're twins.


"Everyone, We are now a team...It may only be myself you rely on instead of my brother...but I have hope in you.
I won't let you down, so please keep your chins up!

Department Upgrade: Rabbit Suppression
Rabbit protocol can now be called.


"We shall build the new Hope for the Corporation...I'll give you my strenght, as I've always done.
You better not let any of those chumps bring you down!"

Department Upgrade: Help from Above

You are now able to call the help of any abnormality that is able to help with suppressions by contacting Tiphereth.


I just can't start a day without a cup of coffee...


"I suppose I have no other choice than to believe in you all, then."

Department upgrade: Keep your EGOs in check~

All EGO suits protect you by x0.1 more than the normal amount (If you are resistant to RED damage by x0.5, it is now x0.4).


"As for me... well, you guys aren't forcing me into this anymore. I'll fight, too."

"Let's make something out of this together, Naoya."

Department Upgrade: Blacker than a Moonless Night~

Once per battle, if you would receive equal to or over a hundred damage from an attack, your resistances become x0.1 to every damage type during damage calculation.


Ever heard the saying 'silence gives consent'?
Consent enough for even hot lead to be embedded into your skull?


"Knowing where to hit is the first step to winning"

Department Upgrade: You know every Abnormality's weaknesses and their total HP.