Life as Employee

And finally we arrive at you, once again.


We, at the Corporation, consider our employees phenomenal people however newer employees might need to get going in order to reach their level. That is why we have estimated your L.O.B. potential at 9, just like the average human.

You were probably startled at the sheet we gave you, in specific at the last section.

These four atributes represent you to us.

Fortitude is how well you can take a hit as well as how hard you can return it.
Prudence is how mentally stable you are, your tolerance to trauma.
Temperance are your social skills, how good you are at reading emotions.
Justice is almost self explanatory, being your morals.

Make sure to stay true to yourself when making them.

Work Periods and Captains

Four work periods will be the bare minimum you need to do in order to be qualified as "Potential Employee" and they may be divided into smaller shifts, in order to get rest between them. The Sephirah will specify the details but it is for certain that you will be split into three groups.

When in a group, you will need to design a Captain, said person will answer personally to the Sephirah when making their report. Every work period may have a different captain. Be sure to elect someone worthy.

Fighting Abnormalities

When work is not good enough Abnos may breach, when they do it is also your job to contain them again. In the Corporation we have established a relation between your capabilities and your prowess in combat.

Combat should be organised and precise more than anything. That is why we decided to make employees tackle the Abnos one at a time, in order to avoid friendly fire. Once a battle starts you will decide if you fight [Head On] or [Stand Back]. It is obvious that some Abnos may lack ranged damage and some may not, even dealing damage to everyone at once. Abnos are extremely persistent on their attacks and will attack once any employee has ended their action.

Fortitude is related with your tolerance to take hits and with your HP (Health points are determined by Fortitude x20).

Prudence is related with your strength of mind and with your SP (Sanity points are determined by Prudence x10).

Temperance is related with your quick thinking and the likelyhood of your attack dealing more damage (Base damage is Temperance level).

Justice is related with your body speed and the time you need to take actions (Speed and number of actions is equal to Justice level).

Please do aknowledge that the Corporation needs to handle many things. Your well being is not one of them. That is for you to handle.
Once your HP drops to 0, you are unconscious. Once it drops to -20 or more you will die.
Once your SP drops to 0, you are stressed out. Once it drops to -10 or more you will become insane.

Examples will be provided at the start of your work period.