Abnormalities of the facility

"Every Abnormality may not have a reason to exist, but they all have a will to persist"

In this section we will ellaborate on the topic of Abnormalities, now refered as Abnos for the sake of simplicity.


Through human interaction, Abnos produce energy. How can one interact with such a being in an objective and organised way? We established a system for the four types of interactions one can do with an Abno. Said results will vary depending on the employee's competence and the Abno's capacities.

Instinct: Work with the Abno by establishing contact with it, such as cleaning it or attacking it. The results depend on the Fortitude of the employee

Insight: Work with the Abno by observing its habitat and how it behaves around it. The results depend on the Prudence of the employee.

Attachment: Work with the Abno by establishing social connection with them such as talking or playing. The results depend on the Temperance of the employee.

Repression: Work with the Abno by instead of giving, taking away things from it. The results depend on the Justice of the employee.


As stated before, there are five types of risk level:

-ZAYIN: These Abnos are almost harmless on their own. That does not mean they are not able to kill under other conditions. They almost never breach.

-TETH: At first, they seem quite peaceful but TETH Abnos may breach under certain events.

-H.E.: Start exerting caution from here onwards. This is where Abnos start to become dangerous and potentially life ending.

-WAW: Abnos of this ranking are known for breaching a lot or causing permanent damage to those unlucky enough. Life is on the line here.

-ALEPH: This type is known as the "department ender" risk level. Exert extreme caution against these, surviving a breach is unlikely.


As stated in the main page, through interaction energy can be extracted from Abnos and before being refined it can be transformed into different weapons and suits we will call E.G.O., short for Extermination of Geometrical Organ.

These vary greatly, depending on the Abno it was extracted from and as such they have one property called, "damage type".

There are four damage types; red, affecting the physical condition of the employee, white, affecting the mental condition of the employee, black, affecting both mental and physical and pale, affecting the lifespan or integrity of the employee.

Through usage of E.G.O. one can resist such damages or inflict them back to the Abnos to assist containment in case of breach.


As a company that works with dangerous beings, we must have a way to deal with them and a way to inform our employees of the current status. This is where the Warnings, also known as the Seven Trumpets, come into play. Only a Sephirah or The Manager can activate a Warning.

The Standarized Trumpet Protocol has a total of four standard trumpets.

-First Warning/Trumpet: This Warning triggers when a low risk Abno breaches and mostly works as a way to alert employees that they need to stay alert.

-Second Warning/Trumpet: Whenever things get messy, such as a high risk level Abno breaches or multiple low Abnos breach at once this Warning will play. If employees hear this they must immediatly attend and solve the problem.

-Third Warning/Trumpet: As soon as the third Warning triggers, every working and non-working employee must attend to supress the breaching Abnos. Not doing so may cause the facility's downfall and surely your death. Facility's outer doors will close until the Warning ends.

-Fourth Warning/Trumpet: All hope is lost, the facility is done for and as such it must be detonated with a nuclear warhead in hopes of burying the Abnos long enough for re-containment. Only The Manager knows the password to activate the warhead. If you are still alive, you will be given 90 seconds to collect your thoughts and say your final prayers.

In theory the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh trumpet do exist, however they have no practical use facility-wise.

-Fifth Warning/Trumpet: The nuclear detonation failed to contain the Abnos long enough, they have broken free.

-Sixth Warning/Trumpet: The Corporation has lost all it's power due to an opposing force or Abnos.

-Seventh Warning/Trumpet: Abnormalities have taken over the planet. The world is done for, there is no coming back from this.