TA's, Big Buddies & High School Volunteers

Middle School Teacher Assistants

Students of all ages benefit from the unique social experiences that a TK-8 school has to offer. Middle Schoolers in good standing can choose to be Teachers' Assistants as their elective. Our TA's work directly with students by helping with classroom work and by running PE/game stations during recess. 

Our middle school students experience what being a leader is all about. They set up their game station, explain rules to the younger students, monitor behaviors, provide encouragement and positive feedback, and clean up afterward. Our students look up to the middle schoolers  and love recognizing them in the hallways and around campus. The middle school population at Sunset takes their leadership role seriously whether or not they are TA's.

Big & Little Buddies

My class usually pairs with a forth or fifth grade classroom for Big and Little Buddies. Students pair up to read together, play games, and do art projects. This is another way of ensuring that the younger students feel a part of the larger campus community. Naturally, the older students benefit from teaching, helping, and guiding their Little Buddies. 

High School Volunteers in the Classroom

Whenever possible, I enjoy having volunteers in the classroom. These high schoolers are reading to students in Spanish. 

Left to right: Sophia, a boarding student from Germany; Angelica, a Heritage Speaker of Spanish; Stella; Roman, a boarding student from Ukraine; and (bottom) Kane, a Spanish-learner.

High School Volunteers for Saturday School

Students can erase an absence from their attendance record by attending Saturday School, which is offered several times throughout the school year. We try to make Saturday School fun!

Left to Right: David, a boarding student from China; Akari, a boarding student from Japan; Jacob from the U.S.; Dan, a boarding student from Vietnam; and Yuki, a boarding student from China