
Developing Mathematical Understanding

Students will develop math vocabulary and concepts through discussion. They might be asked to talk about the picture below using their "math brains". They might say something like this:

With practice, students learn that there are different ways of approaching and solving problems. They will see that the following are represented by the image below:

2 + 1 = 3      1 + 2 = 3      2 + 2 = 4      4 - 1 = 3      3 = 4 - 1      and so on

TK Math Practice

Whenever possible, manipulatives should be used

Kindergarten Math Goals

By the end of the school year, students should be able to:

How to help at home

Many math games and activities can be done with things you already have in your home. Counting is a great place to start. Students can practice counting the shoes in their room, or pennies in the junk drawer. Top-it is another game that supports number recognition and greater than / less than. Divide a deck of cards (1-10, not face cards) and take turns turning a card over. The person that turned over the greater number gets to keep both cards. 

Alternate versions include:

Click here for a video in English and here for a video in Spanish