Daily Schedule & General Info

TK Daily Schedule 

Times are approximate and can change

7:30 Campus opens: Students arriving before 7:55 are supervised in the cafeteria

8:00 Welcome & Instruction

9:00  Breakfast / Snack Break

9:20 Instruction

9:45 Instructional Recess (includes Physical and Social Development)

10:15 Instruction

11:05 Lunch 

11:25 Recess

11:45 Instruction

12:15 Dismissal

Attendance: Each school day is packed with new experiences and new learning. Regular attendance is very important, but please keep your child home when they have symptoms of illness, and notify the office of the reason for the absence. If your child has a medical appointment, please try to schedule appointments so that your they can attend at least a portion of the school day. 

Medical Information: Parents often don't realize that student's medical information is kept private and not shrared with teachers. Unless you tell me, I will not know if your child has asthma, allergies, or other medical concerns. 

Homework:  Weekly messages posted on Parent Square offer tips of what to work on at home, based on what is being taught at school. We strongly suggest that students are read to at home every day! If your child has a hard time sitting to listen to stories, you can talk about the pictures in the book and limit reading to a few minutes a day. Read to your child in any language!!!  Please ask if you have any questions or concerns regarding reading or at home. My family is multilingual, and I am happy to answer questions and share experiences regarding language. 

These pages provide other homework activities:  Reading Practice for Home, Home Activities for Pre-Writing Skills, and Math (see the bottom for how to help at home). 

Reading with your child is the most important thing you can do to support learning in school!!

Breakfast and Lunch at School: Breakfast and lunch are both available in the cafeteria. Your child may prefer to bring a snack and lunch from home.

Dismissal: Students are walked out to the front of the school to be picked up by their adult or to take the bus. Anyone picking up a TK / kindergartner must be on the child's emergency card. Adults might be asked to show i.d. before students are released to them. To ensure students' safety, kindergartners are "glued" or stuck to one spot to wait until they are individually dismissed by the teacher.  

Bus riders are issues bus cards by VUSD's transportation department. Bus cards must be scanned each time a student gets on the bus. Adults must be at the bus stop to receive kindergartners or the bus driver cannot release the child.

To avoid any confusion and keep students safe, students should either be picked up daily or take the bus daily. Any necessary changes of routine should be reported to the office and to the teacher as early as possible.

On Fridays, because the whole school dismisses at 12:55, we ask that kindergarten parents arrive a few minutes early to avoid losing students in the crowd. TK dismisses at 12:15 every day of the week.