Annotated Bibliography

Mediterranean Migrant Arrivals Approach 43,000 in 2017; Deaths: 962. (2017, September 04). Retrieved from

This source provided documentation for the number of migrants entering Italy ( and other EU states ), as well as how many were deceased before reaching Europe, what the countries of origin are, etc.

How Libya holds the key to solving Europe's migration crisis. (2018, July 07). Retrieved from

This source provided key information into Italy, the EU, and the international communities future plans for specifically the Libyan migrant population.The Italian and Libyan Governments both have disagreed to participating in an EU proposed settlement which would allow for the creation of reception centers for libyan migrants returning to Libya.

News, V. (2017, October 25). Retrieved March 06, 2019, from

In this brief documentary the relationship between the Italian and Libyan government are examined in the context of explaining the treatment of Libyan migrants. The Italian government pays Libya to take migrants, and the Libyan government brings former migrants into detention centers, that are stated to be run by corrupt officials causing even worse treatment and disregard for human rights and dignity towards the migrant communities.

Ellyatt, Holly, ‘Pack your bags,’ Italy’s new leaders tell 500,000 illegal migrants — but it’ll cost them,( 2018, June 4). Retrieved from

This sources discusses the Italian government's approach to working with migrant communities. The article focuses on showing elements of Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvinis plans for shipping over 500,000 migrants back to their country of origin. It also provided counter arguments from fellow Italian politicians, and global leaders in politics, economics, and humanitarian organizations.

Baker, Aryn, Rescue at Sea: A Week Onboard A Refugee Recovery Ship. Retrieved from

This source provides a journalist first hand experience of working onboard a Refugee Recovery Ship in Italy. She interviews migrants, telling their individual stories in combination with facts on the migrant crisis in Europe. The article gives a detailed look at the migrant experience which allows fo readers to see the human side to the issue.