Cucina Italiana Divisa

Italy is a melting pot of many things; culture, history, diversity, art, music, and a plethora of other things. One of most known aspects of Italy is its food. Before we go into more know that food is looked at as an art in Italy rather than just a way to get nourishment.

Regions of Italy

  • Food in many places similarly to America is cultivated by the culture, climate, and immigration. Italy is no different.
  • The main reason for this is because of the different climates and different ingredients available in different areas.
  • Immigration has also played a role into the way foods were shaped. Each major city or area seems to have a different type of foods because Immigrants who travelled into Italy tended to stay towards the major cities because there was a lot more opportunity there. For example, Tuscany area is a lot more pasta and wine based where as southern Italy has more fish and grains due to the different climate, farming, and resources available.
  • Strudel (what we know as a German or Austrian cuisine) is very popular in northern Italy. A part of northern Italy was apart of the Austrian/Hungary empire until 1919, so they make their own version of it.

Spaghetti isn't Italian

Spaghetti was created by an Italian man who had two separate dishes; spaghetti, and meatballs with sauce. Someone has left over sauce and decided to put it together and it blended together very well. From then on he created that as a dish and people have made different versions of it until it evolved to how it is today. Spaghetti and meatballs is the American version of two separate Italian dishes

Here is a video to help give you another Idea of the wide variety of dishes made in Italy.


It is from Naples, Campania. From more central Italy. Most Italian flavors are basic flavors without too many toppings ex. margarita pizza.


From Rome, Lazio. Fun Fact, they think this was named after "charcoal" a filling meal for those who worked in the coal mines.


From Tuscany. It is the most famous wine of this area and because of the wide production they have a white symbol on the bottle to know if it's authentic from the region.

Bistecca Alla Fiorentina

some other foods to eat in Florence. This is well known for meat lovers in Florence, originating from the Tuscan area.

Pesto Sauce

Very popular in Cinque Terre. A very tasty sauce going into many pastas.

Corzetti pasta

A known meal in La Liguria. Liguiarian cuisine in north-west Italy. Also Influenced from the French Boarder during the middle ages.

Now here are some Italian eateries that are known for serving some of the most popular dishes in their region.

Italian Eateries

Here we have a lot of tourist known places that serve some of the most known or most popular food in that region.

A pizzaria in Rome

Restaurant In Volterra with wide variety of dishes from the region.

A restaurant in Bologna who serves very good dishes involving meat.

In San Gimignano, known for Its beautiful architecture and Tuscan cuisine.

Located in Cinque Terra, they also have boat tours that go around the coast that you can book.

Found in Florence, Tuscany. This place is known for how they grow their own fruits and vegetables and create their own sauces and honey.

Questions about this page please contact: Morgan Dinwiddie