Alpi Apuane Mountains and North Tuscany

The Apuane Alps are a mountain chain that is part of the Tuscan Sub-Apennines, and represent a renowned tourist and naturalistic destination of Tuscany.

What is it?

The mountain range is made up from all kinds of limestone and has impressive The Apuane Alps is home to many birds such as the royal eagle and the red partridge. The highest point is at 6,385 feet with the Monte Pisanino. The area is also known for its numerous caves (the open pictured below is almost 300 feet deep).

Things to see:

Mount Pisanino

Highest peak in the Apuane range: 6,385' in elevation

Carrara Marble Quarry

Carrara is famous for its white marble structures.

Antro del Corchia

Within the Alpi Apuane Park is the deepest cave in Italy

Pietro Pellegrini Botanical Garden

Located in the Apuane Alps in Massa. Higher part of the trail leads you to panoramic views of the Apuane Alps and the offers perfect picture sight

Where is Tuscany?

Main Cities: Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Siena, and Versilia

Tuscany is a region in central Italy. Its capital, Florence, is home to some of the world’s most recognizable Renaissance art and architecture, including Michelangelo’s "David" statue, Botticelli’s works in the Uffizi Gallery and the Duomo Basilica. Tuscany's most populated cities are Pisa and Florence. Its diverse natural landscape encompasses both the rugged Apennine Mountains and historical architecture.

Where to Visit


Most populous city in Tuscany. The city is noted for its culture, Renaissance art and architecture and monuments.


Known for its leaning tower and contains more than 20 other historic churches, several medieval palaces.


Le Gallerie Degli Uffizi

One of the most prominent and visited art galleries in the world. The Uffizi opened in 1785 and holds priceless collections from the Italian Renaissance period. Home to Michaelangelo's "David" statue.

Gaurdiano di Boboli

Immersion away from the hustle of the city life in Florence. Opened in the late 18th century and it features many fine works of art intermixed with green grass, trees, and vibrant flowers. Admission is about 8-12 euros.


Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta

Constructed in the 11th century, the cathedral's ceiling features the Assumption of Mary. The leaning tower leans due to uneven foundation and the top of the tower offers amazing views of the city.

Piazza delle Vettovaglie

In the mornings, they have a local market that offers farm fresh groceries. Also shops and cafes along the sides to explore. It was built in the 16th century, so the buildings and structures offer a chance to see the local architecture.

Author: Jessenia Fanini

Reviewer: Pablo Rios-Cruz


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-Val Serenaia, Rifugio. “Walking & Climbing Monte Pisanino in the Apuane Alps, Tuscany.” Tuscany Villa Holiday,

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