LIFT Italy

Program overview:

This program will take students in a deep exploration of northern Italy, the land of Tuscany. They will have the opportunity to learn about Italian history, nature, culture, language, place, and food in person and continue to grow and enjoy the relationships they have created with other LIFT students. The group will engage in activities like: walking around towns, exploring some amazing museums in the area, dining at local restaurants, hiking through villages and the countryside, sea kayaking along the coast of Italy in the Mediterranean Sea, among other activities.

Expectations and learning goals:

The Italy immersion has four learning goals: (1) Experience Italy through place-based inquiry; (2) Gain interpersonal competencies including social skills, cultural competence, teamwork, and oral communication; (3) Gain intrapersonal competencies including ethical responsibility to self and others, reliability, resilience, adaptability, and capacity for improvement; (4) Use creativity and a critical lens to be fully immersed in and begin able to understand the rich and complex melding of history, politics, natural environment, and cultural backgrounds played out in everyday Italy.

The Italy Website:

The Italy website is an important part of our students journey to Italy. The main goals of this web-project is to provide an educational platform for our group to share who we are, what themes related to Italy are of interest to us, and what places in the regions we will visit we would like to explore more in-depth if the opportunity arises. Another goal of this project is to help the group engage in using different collaborative tools, and developing an understanding of what it means to publish a website together in the world wide web. Enjoy our work and let us know if you have any questions. Always open to learning and exploring the "teacher within".