Shifting To Hogwarts

A guide with all the information you need to help you, taken from different sources; who are cited and credited

What is shifting?

Reality shifting is the practice of shifting your consciousness from your Current Reality (CR) to another reality, usually your Desired Reality (DR). There are many methods exist for reality shifting, commonly those who shift speak about a mixture of meditation, listening to subliminal playlists, and creating a detailed “script” of one’s desired reality which (while not mandatory) is meant to ease the shifting process significantly. Writing a script is a good idea, in the sense that its confirming to your subconscious mind about what your shifting for, and where you wanna shift. There are several different methods which we will go over. However it is not necessary to have a method to shift, it can make it easier, although don't get caught up focusing on the method, shifting is supposed to come naturally, usually the harder you try, the less likely it is to work.
The scientific term for reality shifting, is quantum leaping or quantum jumping, this is the moving of your conscious mind to an alternate reality through the use of manifestation and quantum physics. Many will say it is just lucid dreaming but it is very different. Be carful because a lot of people spread false info. Yes it is real, and yes it is possible. The CIA released documents on it in the late 1900's so it has been a thing, way before it was a trend. Please do your research and don't go discouraging others if you still don't believe in it.

Is Shifting The Same As Lucid Dreaming?

Lucid Dreaming and shifting are completely different things and those who practice them have completely different objectives. Shifting is a technique that, can allow you to move from your current reality into a new and better reality where you have what you want, or are the person you want to be. Although there is some evidence that lucid dreaming can be used to manifest this is not the main objective for using it. Most people use lucid dreaming as a fun way to experience things that they could never experience in real life. Although lucid dreaming as a lot of benefits it primarily used as a fantasy-fulfilment vehicle. Lucid dreaming is more like your very own virtual reality creation tool except lucid dreams feel more real than current VR ever could. While shifting involves meditation and visualization, where you create images in your mind, lucid dreaming feels just as real as real life and doesn’t involve any visualization. Although lucid dreaming can affect reality in some very cool ways it is not usually used as a reality creation technique in the way that shifting is used.