Alumni Stories

Welcome to the Alumni Page of the Lee High Website. The below episodes are the Alumni Stories submitted to us. We invite our Alumni to send us a video of what you have been doing since you graduated. You may also include an inspirational message or piece of advice to our students if you wish. Just take a video any length and email it to Angela Thomas:

Or you may upload to Google Drive and then share it with Angela Thomas at the same address. Please remember to be mindful of your language and your message.

Happy 30th Anniversary Lee High School

Lee High School opened its doors for the first time on September 5, 1989. In honor of 30 Years of Lee High School, we present a look back at the beginning of Lee High School.

Alumni 1 Lee TV.mp4

Alumni Stories: Episode 1

  • Fuller Cridlin- Commonwealth Attorney Lee County
  • Cameron Thompson, General Manager, Applebees
  • Dr. Josh and Kelsey Herring, R.N.
  • Lt. Kory DeFore- U. S. Navy Pilot (Ret.) Lockheed-Martin Flight simulator trainer F-35
  • Terah DeFore- Former Interior Designer, presently Teacher

Alumni Stories 2.mp4

Alumni Stories: Episode 2

  • Chuck Slemp- Commonwealth Attorney Wise County
  • Cody Haley, Law Student LMU Law, Knoxville, TN
  • Brooke Haley, Veterinary Technician, Lee Co. Animal Hospital
  • Johnny Myers, Lead Guitar Mark Wills, Nashville, TN

Alumni 3.mp4

Alumni Stories Episode 3

  • Drs. Lewis and Courtney Muse- UT Medical Center/Fort Sander Regional Hospital
  • Austin Dean-USP-Lee
  • CJ Woliver- Social Media Producer at NASCAR on FOX