School Improvement Plan

Lee High School

School Improvement Plan

Targeted Area: On-Time Graduation Rate


Goal Statement: To reach 89.65 or above on the on-time graduation rate for the 2021-2022 school year.

Objective: The percent of students graduating on time will increase by 10% or more for the 2021-2022 school year.

Strategy 1:

School counselors will continue with Senior Interviews. Counselors will meet with all seniors individually to make sure that they are on track. Identified seniors who are not on track will be advised of options to help them get on track for graduation.

Time Frame: August, 2021, ongoing

Evidence of Implementation: School Counselor records

Persons Responsible: School Counselors

Strategy 2:

Encourage students to take advantage of the summer school program. Students, 9-12 grades, will have the scheduling flexibility to retake courses to bring up his or her GPA, catch up to classmates, and get the credits necessary to graduate on time.

Time Frame: Summer 2022

Evidence of Implementation: Attendance Records

Persons Responsible: Administration, Teachers

Resources Needed: 2 teachers

Financial Resources Needed: Funding for teachers, snack, and possible transportation for students to get home

Implemented: Summer 2022

Strategy 3:

Collect and correctly interpret school attendance data. Implement proper classifying, collecting, and reporting data. Clean up school rosters for correct reporting. Successful data collection has been shown to help strengthen school-specific problem areas in attendance, such as specific grade level absenteeism or demographic trends. Develop a better system for tracking students who transfer or stop attending school.

Time Frame: August 2021--Daily

Evidence of Implementation: Attendance Records, 9-12 grades

Persons Responsible: School and Division Administration, Attendance Officer

Implemented: Beginning August 2021 (ongoing)

Strategy 4:

Develop in-school and alternative programs, 9-12 grades, that will allow students to attend school on a non-traditional schedule or in a non-traditional classroom.

Time Frame: 2021-2022 Academic Year

Evidence of Implementation: Attendance Records/Grade Rosters

Persons Responsible: School and District Administration

Resources Needed: Regular Ed Teacher and Special Ed Teacher; classroom; Edginuity and other web based educational resources

Financial Resources Needed: Funding for teachers, online educational provider licenses

Implemented: August 2021

Strategy 5:

Develop relationship-based interventions for students, 9-12 grades, with both chronic absenteeism issues and behavioral problems. Partner with district level personnel to build trust between students and their families, and identify barriers hindering their regular attendance.

Time Frame: 2021-2022 Academic Year

Evidence of Implementation: Attendance Records

Persons Responsible: School and District Administration, School Attendance Officer, School Counselors

Implemented: August 2021

Lee High School

School Improvement Plan

Targeted Area: Parent Involvement


Parent Involvement: At the core of a successful school is a positive relationship with parents and other stakeholders.

Goal: To improve and promote parent involvement in the school community.

Objective: To offer opportunities for parents/guardians of all students to become involved and aware of their students’ academic progress.

Strategy 1: School Orientation/Open House

Time Frame: August 2021

Evidence of Implementation: Sign-in sheets; newspaper ad; website; marquee

Persons Responsible: School Administration, School Counselors, Teachers

Implemented: August 2021

Strategy 2: Progress Reports are distributed every 4 ½ weeks, Grades 8-12.

Time Frame: Fall 2021 (October) and Spring 2022 (March)

Evidence of Implementation: Distribution logs

Persons Responsible: School Administration, School Counselors, Teachers

Implemented: October 2021

Strategy 3: Powerschool Parent Portal

Time Frame: 2008, ongoing

Evidence of Implementation: Powerschool Parent access records

Persons Responsible: School and District Administration, School Counselors

Implemented: Ongoing

Strategy 4: Failure Letters to Parents

Time Frame: Mid-Semester, Fall and Spring, for students failing one or more core class and/or a needed/required elective

Evidence of Implementation: School Counselor records

Persons Responsible: School Counselors

Implemented: Fall 2021

Strategy 5: Attendance Letters

Time Frame: 1st letter: five unexcused absences; 2nd letter-certified (conference requested): six unexcused absences; 3rd letter (initiation of compulsory attendance law enforcement): seven unexcused absences; letters to parents of students who are 18 yrs., or older, with 5 or more absences

Evidence of Implementation: Attendance Officer records

Persons Responsible: Attendance Officer

Implemented: August 2021

Targeted Area: Chronic Absenteeism


Goal Statement: The Chronic Absentee Rate for all students will decrease from 24.4% in the 2020-2021 school year to 21.93% for the 2021-2022 school year.

Objective: Decrease Chronic Absenteeism rate by 10 percent or more for the 2021-2022 school year.

Strategy 1: Attendance team will monitor attendance data to identify students who are at risk for chronic absenteeism.

Time Frame: August, 2022

Evidence of Implementation: Sign in sheets; newspaper ad; website; marquee

Persons Responsible: School Administration, School Counselors, Teachers

Implemented: August, 2022

Strategy 2: Attendance Letters

Time Frame: 1st letter: five unexcused absences; 2nd letter-certified (conference requested): six unexcused absences; 3rd letter (initiation of compulsory attendance law enforcement): seven unexcused absences; letters to parents of students who are 18 yrs., or older, with 5 or more absences

Evidence of Implementation: Attendance Officer records

Persons Responsible: Attendance Officer

Implemented: August, 2021

Strategy 3: Collect and correctly interpret school attendance data. Implement proper classifying, collecting, and reporting data. Clean up school rosters for correct reporting. Successful data collection has been shown to help strengthen school-specific problem areas in attendance, such as specific grade level absenteeism or demographic trends. Develop a better system for tracking students who transfer or stop attending school.

Time Frame: August, 2021--Daily

Evidence of Implementation: Attendance Records, 8-12 grades

Persons Responsible: School and Division Administration, Attendance Officer

Implemented: Beginning August 2021(ongoing)