
Lee High School

Bell Schedule



For Lee High School, Thomas Walker High School, and Career and Technical Center

We appreciate the opportunity to provide a quality education for our students. The goal of the dress code is to have a school conducive to learning. Part of education is to help prepare students to make the transition to life after high school successful by knowing how to appropriately dress for success. It is further recognized that student dress has an impact on the learning climate of a school; appropriate appearance has a high correlation to appropriate behavior. We ask that parents and students accept their responsibilities concerning personal appearance. Personal appearance should not disrupt the educational process, call undue attention to the individual, violate federal, state or local health and obscenity laws, or affect the welfare and safety of the student or his/her classmates. In order to promote a safe environment conducive to learning, the standard for personal appearance prohibits the following:

  1. The showing of cleavage, undergarments, see through clothing, tank tops or tops with spaghetti straps are prohibited. Shirts must cover the midriff.
  2. Shorts, skirts, and all slits in clothing shall not exceed 6 inches above the bend of the center of the knee. Holes in clothing are included.
  3. Skin tight clothing, pajamas or lounge pants, sagging or baggy clothing and long outerwear.
  4. Clothing that is disruptive to the educational setting including but not limited to clothing with alcohol, gang, drug, sexual, tobacco, or profane messages.
  5. Head dress, including bandannas, caps, hoods, etc…
  6. Lack of undergarments.
  7. Clothing that touch the floor, frayed garments which pose a safety hazard.
  8. All masks (without doctor’s order) and visible body piercings must be removed, with the exception of earrings.
  9. All body markings and tattoos are to be covered.
  10. Unnatural hair color or styles that are disruptive to the educational setting.
  11. Distracting jewelry or decorations including but not limited to large chains, studded items or similar items.
  12. Eye-wear that is not prescription and is disruptive to the educational setting.
  13. Loose fitting shoes, thong style flip flops, beach style shoes, or spike heels. Shoes that are of a thong type, regardless of material must be secured by an additional heel strap. Shoes must be free of rolling devices.
  14. Book bags, totes, and other over-sized bags are to remain in lockers during class periods. Athletic bags are to be left in an area designated by the coach.

*Additional requirements, which will be made known to the student, may be necessary for career and technical education classes.

This is a minimal requirement for dress codes at Lee High School, Thomas Walker High School, and Lee County Career and Technical Center. Exceptions may be made by the administration to the above policies during school spirit activities. Students acting as official representatives of the school in athletics, band, or any other organization may be required to subscribe to a more rigorous dress code. Additional requirements may be needed for lab sciences and Career/Technical classes. These will be provided by the instructor. Additional requirements may be added by the administration as needed. Students in violation of the dress code will be asked by school personnel to remove the condition in which places the student in violation of the dress code. Students who refuse to follow such direction or who repeat a violation will be punished in accordance with the school's discipline policy.