Research Skills

Essential Research Skills

YouTube Playlist; SciX 2021 (suitable for high-school students)

Introduction to Literature Review


Citing/ Reference Papers:

Recommend Mendeley for referencing, but Zotero also free and good.

Legal Open-Access Literature Papers:

Ask the authors! (You will make their day and it is legal for them to share pdf directly with you).

Research Project Planning

Data Visualisation and Free Referencing

Data presentation and visualisation (2) (2).pdf

Giving an Excellent Presentation

ScienceCommunication_JinKato (1).pdf

Skills Articulation

Articulating skills helps students (& others) recognise and value their learning, promote their skills to future employers/ funders etc & plan for future growth.

Skills & Attributes: General

"Soft" skills

Evidence and Improving

Vitae & Other Opinions

CV Advice