
Promoting mental health wellbeing

Serving as Trained Mental Health First Aid officer in the School of Chemistry

Annually organise local "R U Ok?" events

Informed about support options for UNSW staff and students, and happy to chat

equity, Diversity and inclusion

Instigated and led the application where Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) committed to tackling the challenges posed by the Australian government's "Women in STEM Decadal Plan" as an Institutional Champion.

Made impact as member of departmental EDI committees (UCL 2017 and UNSW 2018-2020) and national disciplinary EDI committee (RACI 2019-2020).

RACI PhysChem

Division Secretary (2019-)

Initiated and organising:

  • Fortnightly research webinars (2020-)

  • Fortnightly training webinars (2021-)

Check out our latest events and register here.

2012 student conference organiser