High School Outreach

I love developing and delivering large-scale research engagement programs for hundreds of high school students that are:

  • very well received by students (e.g. 100% satisfaction in SciX on-campus)

  • innovative and evidence driven

  • financially and logistically sustainable

  • scalable

  • accessible for equity students

Current programs

High school students pursue independent research using cutting-edge research techniques within cohort group led by trained PhD mentor.

Coordinator and co-creator of large-scale annual week-long research experience.

Syllabus-linked research engagement experience one-day excursion and 9 hrs of online lessons for high-school students.

Coordinator and creator.

Past programs

High school students work in groups with early career researchers on publishable research.

I served as coordinator and project mentor in 2016-17, leading major expansion, establishing sustainable funding model and publishing 2 scientific [overview and detailed] and 2 educational research papers.

Teaching Physics students how to make YouTube videos in collaboration with science communicator, then linking them with a research group to make a video on that group’s research area.

Coordinator and co-creator. 2 educational research papers published [design] providing advice on how to create a similar course.